Feb 6, 2022

🙏 ~ 💝 ('This Is Why You Are Here. Remember? Blossom Goodchild.') Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: The Sixth Sense: I see dead people... SoTW see The Great Awakening Map – The Great Solar Flash Is Upon Us... SoTW see Marilyn Monroe (killed over JFK secret and over UFO knowledge?)... SoTW see Media BLACKOUT on MASSIVE Trucker "Freedom" Convoy protesting Vax Mandates... SoTW see a small percentage of Truth - Tip of the Iceberg, the rest is Buried... SoTW see the Grand Opening Statement by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich on this 'There is NO Corona-Pandemic, only PCRTest-PlanDemic, fueled by a elaborate PSYOP designed to create a CONSTANT state of panic among the world population'.. What do YOU see?... |

"NWO has lost, but will still be faced with billions of vaxxine deaths and injuries.", Clif said. 

SoWT has talked to my Danish friend and holistic ND crystal ball with 50 yrs of experience and unfortunately he says the same thing; 

"The injections of the saltwater / saline solution (placebo) was only meant for the Elites. 25% of adult who got the Corona-vax of 2 shots + booster will become severe sick, in the long run. 

"Some" children will also suffer after a few years, but preferably all those people, who willingly accepted the terms with no question asked (with no regrets and cheering for the jab). Perhaps, he says, our galactic friends in the skies will come to humanity's rescue." ~ LMJ ...

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