'Donald J. Trump is the Exchequer of The US Treasury, FED & every single Country on Earth. Putin, Saudi King, English Queen, Xi Jinping, Pope Francis, EU-U.N.-NATO-leaders & "Greenland" has surrendered. Israel will be last. We have it ALL(Q)'...
Let’s take you back to where the real fight happened and show you the history made with research from 3days3nights, CharIie Fr34k, Sam Kester/s0n of BardsFM, and more. Q140
Tru mp has taken down the top players in this c0r ruption and has taken back control with Ex3c/utive 0rder 13818. This Ex3c/utive 0rder is how Tru/mp rounds up the bad guys and Ex3c/utive 0rder 13223 is the muscle to pull it off.
A third President Tru mp Ex3c/utive 0rder, Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights 4buse or Corruption allows him to roll up assets of those involved globally. It is my understanding he freed all the countries from a system of control spanning decades. When you realize that Tru mp is really the gl0baI CEO, & we are all like employees with an SSN, it all starts to make sense.
Their system of c0ntr0I was grand and on a global in scale. It has locked the minds of people in a box for a century. The plan has been to expose these decades of 3vil and corruption at all levels to the people of this world. This has taken time to set up and expose. Every country is now involved in ending this Vi r us/PI4gue on the world.
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