Jan 26, 2022

๐Ÿ›Ž️✨๐Ÿ‘ ~ (Short Viral Videos of Interest) Mass Psychosis: We're not out of the woods yet! But country by country White Hats are defeating a 6000 yrs old powerful and ancient Black Magic SPELL by Higher-Hierarchy Soulless Anunnaki, Nephilim, Atlantis, Archons and all their Kings of illuminati minions (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: From the looks of it, the govt (and Big Pharma) has raided and effectively closed down Kim Kindersley Hugold CBD-farm, demanding a £325K license-fee due to EU and Irish legislation Novel foods act... ๐Ÿ‘‰Shunyamurti offers a summary of the mass psychosis that has taken over the world and the state of consciousness that is available to all who choose to be part of the redemption, not the fall, of the human spirit... ๐Ÿ‘‰First 20 minutes of Max Igan; veteran researcher, filmmaker, political activist, artist, speaker, and author etc., has good information or repeat of what's going on from protesters all over the world to White House flashing lights, then after that, he falls into his old self offering to negative view of the world, which I do not believe in, anymore. Like Clif High, these two old gents has amazing stuff to offer, but focused to much into the old 3-D Matrix of illusion, and not always, in front of the New Golden Age, which is of course, a looot brighter... ๐Ÿ‘‰PS: A very disturbing new look at Megan Rose & Nicholas Veniamin video, some commenters are now saying, that Rose, is a Trojan horse, a black hat, like Gene or Elena and Alex Collier, agrees, on that point (I have not heard Alex has said that). Well, trolls are everywhere and if you do not trust Rose, Gene, Elena, Alex and Michael Salla, you are not gonna like Q, the GFL, and Michael Ellegion - 3D to 5D Consciousness with Nyla Nguyen... |


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