Here are some comments from a group i'm in:
- I'm not surprised the rumor about Flynn was yet another psyops by the deep state, I don't think Michael Jaco is that reliable for intel
- I wonder why Janine's cards validated the Flynn rumor?
- I saw Janine's reading and felt that she was kind of vague about it. Perhaps she was "picking up" the black hats/white hats ops as reported by Simon Parks. It didn't seem cut and dried to me.
- I agree, we have to also use our own discernment because there is a lot if misinformation out there...
πFIRST Dr. Michael Salla and Elena turning Megan Rose down, now Janine, Charlie & Simon. What the HECK is going on and why are the spiritual community dogfighting, when we need to stand together?...
⚔️I can recall, Jay Pee (JP) from Wolf Spirit Radio and Simon Parkes infight and departure... James Gilliland and Clif High and Co., fighting... Can we trust INFOWARS/Alex Jones/Jerome Corsi?? ... Benjamin Fulford and Neil Keenan are dogfighting... OOM2 ridicule Zap of Poofness, all the time (sorry, the money scammers of DinarGuru is a joke)... Mike Adams (NN) and dollarvigilante's bitcoin war on words... The many attempts to break Divine Cosmos... Attack on The GoldFish Report Blog... Censorship by YouTube and GG... etc. etc.
☝️My point is, why are we FIGHTING eachother while we should unite and go against our COMMON ENEMY, The Dark Alliance, DS or Cabal?... This is what the DEEPSTATERS want or REPTILIAN agenda - Divide, Conquer and Separate us from SOURCE... EVERYONE has a perspective. All points of ATTENTION. One has the CHOICE to listen to who they WANT, right?... Mankind's collective SOUL is of Universally Divine Source God Energy. Buuut, the CLEAR TRUTH contained in the Akashic Records allows us the FREEDOM TO CHOOSE grace in all things... |
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