Dec 18, 2021

🙏 ~ 💝 (Wauv! Claire Got Talent! Takes me down memory lane of my 2 daughters) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus - remember that... I sadly lost "both" my daughters to woman who hates my guts because I caught them red-handed mistreated themselves and their children by mothers with narcissistic personality disorder. Of course it's not that simple, but if you have decided to never evolve, never listen to reason, never ...smarten up a chump. You get what's coming. I have my flaws and imperfections, but with so much incredible love and energy to give to any human, who wish to receive it. That is also my problem. After spiritual openness that is an aspect of the consciousness of the soul comes masculine and feminine energy balance and lastly, the softness and spiritual sensitivity aka the boring empathetic guy. Woman today, like to date badass guys, who treat them wrongly. Imagine that men and women come from two different planets. When you think that way, it’s suddenly easier to understand why men and women tend to communicate differently, behave differently, and have different emotional needs. Boys are attached to their father and girls to their mothers aura's energy until they are ready to let go, sometimes that takes them all the way to the late twenties, when spiritual matureness begins. Add that to the ball of wisdom... |

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