Restored Republic via a GCR as of December 13, 2021
The Real News for Sun. 12 Dec:
Global Financial Crisis:
- Congress Claims They Need To Spend More To Pay Their Bills With Debt Ceiling Near $30 TRILLION. It took Inflation getting to nearly 40-year highs for the Fed to admit it isn’t “transitory,” but their policies continue to fuel its rise. This, as Congress pushes the Debt Ceiling toward $30 TRILLION, claiming they need to spend more to pay their bills.
- This means Global Financial Reset is imminent. Happening now! Get ready for shutdown! X X – 10 countries 10 days. Time is now! EXCLUSIVE-IMF, 10 countries simulate cyber attack on global financial system. The simulated cyber attack evolved over 10 days, with sensitive data emerging on the Dark Web along with fake news reports that ultimately caused chaos in global markets and a run on banks.
- Crypto industry leaders BEG for regulation to clean up the massive fraud.
- Evergrande can’t pay its debts. China is scrambling to contain the fallout:
- Grab popcorn & watch US dollar collapse – Max Keiser. Washington is struggling to figure out how to regulate the digital asset market. Some in Congress say that banning crypto could help preserve the US dollar’s status as the world’s reserve currency. RT’s Max Keiser disagrees. “The US dollar has been losing world reserve status for decades. With or without bitcoin, the dollar is toast,” the host of RT’s Keiser Report and prominent crypto advocate says.
Daniel 12:11 “And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away and the abomination that maketh desolation set up, there shall be a thousand and two hundred and ninety days.”
12/14/21- 1290 days= 6/3/18
Now you know what the 15th is.
I just posted about US Default.
Israel Is Last.
Mossad Formed December 13. [347]
We are all tired, I understand.
It was all about the Default.
C before D …Whiplash347
Judy Note: Remember: You are watching a movie! The storm is here already. THE Event started. These tornados are fake, same footage used on every network. It comes from old Italian tornados footage.
Storm chaser Brandon Clement: “Let’s go Brandon! Clement word definition says it is used to qualify weather.”
Storm chaser Brett Adair: “Breath the air. The Storm is here.”
The White Hats uses EMP drones to cut communications in these cities and they deploy National Guards to close the borders perimeters so nobody goes in or out.
Prediction: Soon there will be a massive “fake Tsunami” coming on Florida coming from “fake La Palma Volcano Eruption”. They’ll cut communications here too. The Great Red Wave! Arrests are being made. Let’s gooo!!!”
This past weekend Iraq was celebrating their 100th Anniversary. With the US Military withdrawn, Iraq was expected to soon announce their sovereignty. The kingpin of the Global Currency Reset – the Iraqi Dinar – had already revalued on Mon. 6 Dec.
To pay out the GCR, Bonds have been moving in Zurich and some in Tier 3 have been paid partial amounts. Since Wed. 9 Dec. Redemption Center personnel who would exchange/redeem Tier 4B (us, the Internet Group) foreign currency and Zim Bonds at the new international rates, have been on duty 8 am through 9 pm. and were told they would be working this weekend. On Fri. 10 Dec. a number of large Whale 4A groups (including Paymasters and Group leaders) made arrangements to fly on private jets to their appointments.
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