Oct 22, 2021

🙋🍿😀 ~ ('CodeZV11: RED OCTOBER IS HAPPENING.') Oct 28 It's Happening! 500k arrests- Militaries to Remove Governments Worldwide! People asked to stay indoors- all media, internet, phones shut down (beforeitsnews + DC) ~ | Blogger: [👄RUMORS AND GOSSIP REPEATERS👂] ... I don't wanna sound like a broken record. Before the world are able to understand the implications we need to see some actions taken place in our daily life, not (only) by secret sting operations and rumors... Always use your own Spiritual Discernment... 💖PS: Tapping into the Power of the Collective Consciousness is really important. As you transmit the higher vibrational energies of gratitude, love, and peace to the universe, those energies permeate the collective whole, transforming and healing the world on a cosmic level. Not only that, but the energy you send out into the universe is also returned to you. What if you could not only help heal the world, but could also become a magnet for healing, peace and joy in your own life? And, what if you could do this regularly, in just a few minutes per day? You can!... NOTE: Outside my window a gigantic moon is shining so bright like never before and I'll been told about the Zodiac signs, who will have a rough day on October 22, 2021. Be prepared. It’s the last day of your zodiac season and it may feel like a rough transition... |

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of October 22, 2021




Ten Days of Darkness while the world goes into full Martial Law.

Have 2-3 weeks of food and necessities on hand.

Media, Internet, phones and TV programming shut down and people asked to remain indoors so the US Military could broadcast 10 days of 3X8 hours sessions of video confessions, Military Tribunals and Evidence of Scandals as Military across the globe removed certain governments and made arrests on 500,000 indictments.

Chinese Communist Party pushing war on Taiwan

Social Media including Facebook to disappear from the Web

A New and Transparent Web would appear on the Quantum Internet System

Veritas released on Pfizer

Soros Exposed

Trust the Plan …Q


Juan O Savin on Thurs. 21 Oct: “A specific dark, precise Event will shortly go down, triggering other events – all showing that we were on the winning side of a war. The war will go through March 2022, and then on for a couple of years.” Situation Update: It’s Begun! First Domino About To Fall! EBS & Military Event!! MSM Takedown! Juan O Savin Clip! – Must Video | Opinion – Conservative | Before It’s News (beforeitsnews.com)

A. Possible Schedule of Events:

On Fri. night 22 Oct. President Trump was expected to board Air Force One in preparation for the Global Currency Reset and return of 209 countries to gold/asset-backed currencies.

Sat. 23 Oct. would be an important date: the Emergency Broadcast System could come out.

Sat. 23 Oct. Tesla Free Energy would kick in and go through the present power lines. Cost of your former electrical bill should drop by 75%. The Military was already using Tesla Free Energy.

Also on Sat. 23 Oct. Bond Holders (handled out of Reno, Zurich, New York, Texas and Hong Kong) would receive a percentage of their accounts.

Sun./Mon. 24. 25 Oct: President Trump would tweet “My Fellow Americans, the Storm is Upon Us” and then he would begin to send out on the Emergency Broadcast System, seven Presidential Messages to phones and TV sets worldwide.

Mon. 24 Oct to Tues. 2 Nov. Ten Days of Darkness was slated to begin while the world went into full Martial Law.

Thurs. 28 Oct to Sun. 7 Nov: Moscow announced was a 10-day closure of non-essential services.

During this Ten Days of Darkness all militaries of the globe and via the US Military, would shut down all media, Internet, phones and TV programming.

For ten days 100% of The People would be asked to remain indoors so the Military could make Mass Arrests and broadcast 10 days of 3X8 hour sessions of video confessions, Military Tribunals and evidence of scandals.

While this was happening the Military would be removing governments worldwide and making global arrests on 500 thousand indictments filed in federal courts across the nation and globe.

GESARA/ NESARA would be activated.


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