Sep 29, 2021

📅 ~ 💗 ('October important choice to make this month!') October Predictions and Spiritual Insights (Joni Patry) 💕~ | Blogger: Looong report... Sorry, guys!... Take everything with a grain of "Salt" (of the world)... SoTW, has left out all the Joni Patry's Cosmic Insights Shop, Jewelry Collection & Joni Patry Daily Astrology payments or cryptocurrency prophesies, since that is not what is about... PS: Transcript is ready but not her YouTube video... |

"As far as the month of October, we are going to have an important choice to make this month! We need to decide – Are we going to look at the glass half full or look at the glass half empty this month? I say this because we are going to have many impactful transits that will affect a lot of people.. What is about to happen is the accumulation of all the events are finally surfacing and the law of cause and effect will produce its results. There are no quick answers with propaganda so prevalent right now. I know everyone wants the truth to come out and justice to prevail. But there is a major split on what people believe, and they are adamant that they are right. Everyone believes what they believe is right and they are not going to be swayed. " ~  Joni

Joni Patry lives in Dallas, Texas and is one of the most recognized teachers and Vedic astrologers in the world. She was a faculty member for ACVA, CVA and Instructor for online certification programs, published many books, journals and appeared on national and international television shows. As the keynote speaker for international conferences, she has a Japanese website, and teaches in Turkey and India. She has been awarded the 2015 Jyotish Star of the year and Dr B. V. Raman's Janma Shatamanothsava Award Jyotisha Choodamani. She publishes an online astrological magazine, Astrologic Magazine and has an online University for certification, the University of Vedic Astrology.

To my Dear Friends and Community,

Happy Fall Everybody! Summer is officially over and now we are entering into the crisp month of October. October is going to be a very interesting month for all of us!

As many of you have requested, we have officially opened up the University of Vedic Astrology to ALL who wish to study. There has never been a more important time to find guidance, so we are now taking students who wish to learn alongside myself and our esteemed tutors.

I have made some changes to the University program, which I am excited to share. First, the biggest change is that you may start right away if you wish. I felt after the last year and a half this change was necessary, especially as so many are seeking truth. In addition to being able to sign up when you wish, you are also able to learn at your own pace. Each student is paired with a tutor who will guide you through your lessons, taking as much time as you may need. These two improvements are going to help make the University accessible to more, and I am grateful for the opportunity to learn together. As always, you may sign up for the first semester here or enroll in the entire program for a significant discount.

As far as the month of October, we are going to have an important choice to make this month! We need to decide – Are we going to look at the glass half full or look at the glass half empty this month? I say this because we are going to have many impactful transits that will affect a lot of people.

The outside world is a reflection of our inner world, this is a concept most cannot imagine as the outer circumstances are so confusing. In essence, what your perception is within is what you will see in the outer world. I know with all the ugliness in the world, most will ask how can that be a part of me? The outside world’s circumstances have nothing to do with me.

What is about to happen is the accumulation of all the events are finally surfacing and the law of cause and effect will produce its results.

There are no quick answers with propaganda so prevalent right now. I know everyone wants the truth to come out and justice to prevail. But there is a major split on what people believe, and they are adamant that they are right. Everyone believes what they believe is right and they are not going to be swayed. Actually people are going to believe what they want to believe regardless of the facts. There is confirmation for both sides in the mass media. If you want to believe the President is doing a good or bad job, you will listen to the media that supports this. Aside from what is right or wrong, let's dig deeper to see why people believe what they want to believe, and what this is based on.

The human psyche is extremely sensitive and the subconscious mind never forgets. So in essence, every event in one’s life directs the person’s opinion as to what they will believe. If a person experiences injustices and prejudice they will believe whatever gives them a sense of justice in the outside world. It gives them a sense of justice for their experiences. Those who are angry about prejudice have experienced prejudice. Those who have experienced deep betrayal will believe what gives them justice for the betrayal. At the core of everyone’s psyche, we all want justice. Psychologically the mass media knows exactly how to play with people’s psyche and emotions.

So we all look to the outside world to represent our own healing and expect justice to be served according to our own past experiences. We are all different and have different pasts and have different beliefs based on this.

Because events are so extreme pertaining to justice and right and wrong at this time, people are becoming more and more angry. It seems as though there are no repercussions for any wrongdoing. If justice is what we all want, then the lack of justice is creating more and more anger. We are all asking why!

If life and our worldly existence is for spiritual growth then this is the only way we can deal with this big question of why. We cannot get caught up in the anger of all the apparent injustices occurring now. It is a very valuable time to look within and understand what in our own past is contributing to our beliefs. Once you can reconcile your past feelings of justice, the more you will grow and begin to see the world through a completely different lens, but this does take understanding and compassion.

The outside world is a complex combination of all human emotions concerning the vast injustices occurring now. One thing to realize is you cannot change others opinions and deep feelings of injustice, mainly because you don’t own those feelings. Never invalidate others feelings. But you can come to terms with your own and this will bring you peace.

I know we all want justice now, but the truth always prevails and it takes time. It is time to be patient because when you truly know something, you don’t need to convince others. To try to convince others actually means, on some level, you are not completely sure of your own beliefs and are in some way trying to convince yourself. Everything that is happening now is to bring the truth to the surface so we can be healed.

Many of the world’s injustices have to be revealed so everything happening now is in Divine order. Do not worry; all the injustices will be seen clearly so the healing will begin. The real purging is about to take place and it will look very destructive. Everything has to be happening the way it is happening to bring justice.

I believe the year 2020 is indicative of hindsight being 20/20. Right now, we are in the eye of the hurricane and will not be able to see the results until much later. Historically, when intense emotion surrounding events is over and we look back at the events and what resulted, we see the truth clearly. We can now look back at the VietNam war and see the truth clearly. This period of time will even be clearer as our hindsight will be 20/20. The result and realizations of all that is going on will surface to eliminate the injustices of this time. We are evolving into a much better world but we still have to go through the fire to heal the world. Use this time to heal yourself and you will emerge into a brighter more evolved world.

What is happening astrologically in October is imperative to this major purging happening now. The next three months will be the most intense. The aspects are very unusual this month. So let me explain exactly what is occurring because there is so much happening.

Mercury is retrograde this month until October 18, and when it turns direct, Jupiter will turn direct on the same day, Mercury at 15 degrees Virgo (exact degree of exaltation), and Jupiter at 28 degrees Capricorn. This means it is a turning point as both planets change direction to move forward.

Saturn also turns direct the same week as Mercury and Jupiter on October 11th. But the degree at which it is stationing, 13 degrees of Capricorn, sits in its debilitation sign in the navamsha (D9 chart). This means what looks righteous (Saturn in Capricorn) will have a difficult and damaging result.

But the worst aspect of this month is around the new Moon as the Sun and Moon conjoin at 19 degrees Virgo exactly with Mars and all three are exactly quincunx (8/6) Uranus at 19 degrees Aries. Also Jupiter is aspecting these planets (trine). Jupiter can magnify and make things bigger for good or bad. This means something will occur suddenly and unexpectedly. The days when the Sun and Mars are together are always violent, which is most of this month and will be at the same degree on October 6 – 9. This event involves great anger and a possible attack. The timing is exactly October 8 at 21 degrees. However, sometimes there is an event that leads up to the big events that I keep calling the grand finale. One thing I can assure you is that the truly righteous law of cause and effect will be in charge. This is occurring in the 10th house on natal Saturn in the U.S.A. chart, this represents anger and violence will break out in the U.S. involving the government, leaders, and the President.

This will be a very intense time for the world and particularly this can bring another global health crisis. Expect many lockdowns across the world due to the Delta variant. However, I will emphasize again that these lockdowns will be temporary and, by early next year, we will be opening up to a whole new world. For those who are not aware of astrological transits, this will be a very frustrating time. People are going to feel repressed and restricted because of the limitations that this lockdown will impose. We can expect to see more protests, violence, and anger emerge as a result.

There are also a few yods occurring. The yod is called the “finger of God” meaning that it is all out of our hands, and events are set into motion. Neptune will exactly quincunx Mercury and the Sun. As Neptune and Uranus sit in a sextile, they form a yod with the planets in Virgo (Sun, Mercury and Mars). Mercury/Sun quincunx Neptune means deep and great deception is occurring and when it is all revealed it will be more shocking than can be imagined. Something big is going on and about to come down. A Great Awakening is occurring and it involves the entire world. This is a global plan. Around the Full Moon of October 20th Venus will quincunx Uranus and sextile Mercury and Mars creating another yod this month. The fact that Uranus is involved in these yods means to expect the unexpected!

Because Rahu is now in the nakshatra Krittika, many are being falsely accused. The myth behind this portion of the zodiac pertains to the Pleiades, the weeping sisters, who were falsely accused of infidelity with their husbands. During this time between now and next July 2022, there will be many betrayals and injustices. The truth concerning the media which is ruled by Mercury will begin to unravel and reveal the truth, but only because of their own injustices.

Lastly, the major aspect occurring between Saturn square Uranus is extremely poignant. This occurs every 11 -12 years, and this cycle always concerns major events that involve earthquakes and airline crashes. This aspect has a strong effect now and will continue through the next four months.

This is an extremely volatile time globally. This is time for all the injustices to be revealed and there will be a major destructive purging to heal the world and ourselves. This is a part of the healing that we choose to be part of.

Important Transit Dates for October 2021

Rahu / Ketu in Taurus / Scorpio – 9 to 8 degrees

Saturn in Capricorn – 12 – 13 degrees. Turns direct on October 10th.

Jupiter in Capricorn – 28 – 29 degrees. Turns direct on October 18th.

Mars in Virgo – October 1 – October 20

Mars in Libra – October 21 – December 4

Mercury (retrograde) in Virgo – Turns direct on October 18th.

Mercury direct in Virgo – October 18 – October 31

Venus in Libra – October 1 – October 2

Venus in Scorpio – October 2 – October 29

Venus in Sagittarius – October 30 – December 8

Sun in Virgo – October 1 – October 16

Sun in Libra – October 17 – November 15

October 1 - Pluto squares Mercury (retrograde) 00 degrees Capricorn/Libra

People will be immersed in intense thoughts and feelings that are at a deep psychological level. It is important to not get too caught up in the intensity that will translate into anger and frustration. We can use this energy for higher good and use it to heal our personal issues if we can recognize the root cause. Mercury is in the sign of Libra and conjunct the fixed star Spica. We can use this energy to bring peace and harmony in our lives.

The fact that Pluto is stationing at 0 degrees Capricorn represents being on the cardinal axis (Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn) indicating massive change and transformation is occurring now.

October 3 – Jupiter (retrograde) trines Mercury (retrograde) 29 degrees Capricorn/Virgo

Usually this is a wonderful transit for traveling and opening your mind to higher learning. However, since both of these important planets are retrograde, it is important that you double check your travel plans during this transit. Make sure you do not forget or miss anything important. Traveling will open up much more when Jupiter and Mercury both turn direct two weeks later.

October 5 – Mercury (retrograde) quincunx (6/8) Neptune (retrograde) 27 degrees Virgo/Aquarius

Be careful when planning to accomplish new projects. If you are too unrealistic about your goals, this can cause many setbacks and disappointments. Neptune is known for causing illusions and unrealistic expectations. Since Mercury rules the intellect and logic, it is very possible that you will be under some sort of delusion. Having a realistic timeline is key to making the most out of this transit.

October 6 – New Moon 19 degrees Virgo

The New Moon occurs in the nakshatra called Hasta. This nakshatra is represented by “hands” and it deals with health and healing. During this time, there will be attempts to discover alternatives to health and healing of the coronavirus. Since the delta variant has been in full force, there will be a greater need to come up with ways to defeat this virus.

October 6 – Mars quincunx (8/6) and 8th aspect to Uranus 20 degrees Virgo/Aries

There is a great desire to breakthrough for something that you want that is not necessarily the societal norm. This can be a frustrating transit if you do not properly express what you need in order to accomplish your goals. Slowing down and making a checklist and an execution plan is the best way to make use of this transit. Do not impulsively make decisions and communicate in anger. Slow down!

October 8 – Mars conjunct Sun 21 degrees Virgo

Lockdowns due to the coronavirus Delta variant may be in full force all over the world. Virgo deals with the sign of health and healing and to have Mars and the Sun conjunct in this sign denotes some serious health crises. However, the good news is that if we do have a lockdown, it will not last long. During the spring of 2022, we will have a new sense of freedom as we will be better able to deal with repercussions of this coronavirus. This can also indicate great violence, so take caution and avoid crowded places.

October 9 – Ketu conjunct Venus 8 degrees Scorpio

This is occurring in the nakshatra called Anuradha which is called the star of friendship. However, Scorpio is a very intense zodiac sign as it deals with transformations and endings. Because Venus is conjunct Ketu, people can feel a sense of loss and transformation in the area of relationships. It is important that during this transit, we love but with a sense of detachment.

October 9 – Mercury conjunct Sun 22 degrees Virgo

This is an excellent transit to stimulate your mind for higher thinking. Mercury will be cazimi, so this is the best time to use your intelligence for the highest good. Many genius minds will be putting ideas to good use during this transit. Take advantage while you can!

October 11 – Uranus quincunx (6/8) Mercury 20 degrees Aries/Virgo

This planetary alignment is an opportunity to push your ideas beyond your limits and bring them to execution. However, because Uranus and Mercury are inconjunct, you need to be careful how you bring out these ideas. There might be some instability in executing these thoughts if you do not reflect properly.

October 13 – Neptune quincunx (8/6) Sun 27 degrees Aquarius/Virgo

This is a time where we should really re-assess our goals and plans. This is in conjunction and, since Neptune is involved, it usually means that we cannot see the true reality clearly. It is important that we stay grounded in reality and not allow our imagination and dreams to dominate our thinking in an unrealistic manner.

October 15 – Jupiter (retrograde) trines Sun 28 degrees Capricorn/Virgo

This will be an optimistic time for many people. The Sun represents our life force and leaders, and Jupiter represents optimism and hope. Jupiter casting a trine to the Sun brings great hope to people. Take advantage of this clarity to perform the deeds you have been wanting to do. You will have great direction and guidance during this time.

October 17 – Neptune quincunx (8/6) Mars 27 degrees Aquarius/Virgo

There can be some confusion as to what actions we should be taking. Mars represents action while Neptune represents illusions. Therefore, it is important that we take actions when our minds are clear and without any confusion.

October 17 – Sun enters Libra squares Pluto in Capricorn – 00 degrees

There is a strong need to be and feel in control. However, do not let this controlling aspect dominate your life. This can backfire against you if you do not use this energy properly. Leading with humility and grace is the best way of making use of this transit.

October 18 – Jupiter trines Mars 28 degrees Capricorn/Virgo

This is a great time to take necessary actions so you can accomplish your desired goals. Although Mars is still combust, Jupiter’s trinal aspect to Mars will give the necessary blessings and wisdom that is needed in order to take appropriate actions. Take advantage of any wisdom or guidance you receive at this time. It will help you decide what you should or should not do. Remember Mars combust the Sun can make you take impulsive actions that you should not do. Jupiter’s aspect can help protect you.

October 19 – Uranus quincunx (8/6) Venus 19 degrees Aries/Scorpio

This is another unstable transit for relationships. Since Venus is in the sign of Scorpio and Uranus is 6th from Venus, this is causing some difficulty expressing your deepest emotions. Take deep breaths and remember to analyze the situation from all angles. This is a very temporary transit and this will quickly pass.

October 20 – Full Moon 03 degrees Aries/Libra

The Full Moon is occurring in the nakshatra “Ashwini”. Ashwini is the very first nakshatra and it is represented by horses. It also deals with herbs and healing. Since this is occurring at the very beginning of the zodiac sign, this tells us that there is a great desire to take initiative. Many people will be looking for innovative methods to heal and treat the coronavirus as well as its Delta variant.

October 22 – Mars enters Libra and aspects Pluto in Capricorn – 00 degrees

As lockdowns become stricter due to the Delta variant, people are feeling enraged and restricted from their usual freedom. If people do not manage their anger, then this can result in abrupt violence that can shake various parts of the world. Do not let the higher force inject fear and anger in you. Use this opportunity to go within and change yourself so you can be a part of shifting the mass consciousness for the highest good.

October 24 – Uranus quincunx (6/8) ) Mercury 19 degrees Aries/Virgo

This planetary alignment is an opportunity to push your ideas beyond your limits and bring them to an execution. However, because Uranus and Mercury are inconjunct, you need to be careful in how you bring out these ideas. There might be some instability in executing these thoughts if you do not reflect properly.

October 24 – Rahu quincunx Sun 08 degrees Taurus/Libra

This is not a good aspect to have as this can represent some instability in our current, global leadership. Leaders need to step up and provide direction. But more importantly, it is important that we, as individuals, step up and reclaim our power to control our own destiny. This will ultimately lead to a better world.

October 26 – Neptune squares Venus 26 degrees Aquarius/Scorpio

It is important that during this transit, we remain realistic in our relationships. It is quite possible that we are not seeing things clearly as Neptune can represent illusions and things beyond this world. Do not make any major decisions with your partner during this transit. It is best to wait until Venus enters the sign of Sagittarius and is out of Ghandanta. That will be the best time to execute any actions you want to take in the area of relationships.

October 28 – November 1 – Venus Ghandanta Scorpio – Sagittarius

Emotions will be running extremely high, especially in the area of relationships. It is important that we stay grounded and take control of our own personal needs in relationships rather than trying to control the other person. Refrain from making any major decisions in relationships while Venus is in Ghandanta. The good news is that this transit is very temporary.

October 30 – Saturn squares and 10th aspect to Sun 13 degrees Capricorn/Libra

People may find that their energy levels are depleted more than usual. It is important that we do not burn out. We should give our bodies and minds time to rest and recuperate. This is a time when we will feel a bit overburdened by our work and responsibilities. Therefore, it is important that we make an organized checklist and only focus on what is important. Save the non-mandatory tasks for another date and make sure you only focus on what you need to accomplish. This is not a good time to argue with any authorities.

October 30 – Neptune quincunx (8/6) Mercury 26 degrees Aquarius/Virgo

Be careful when planning new things to accomplish projects. If you are too unrealistic about your goals, this can cause many setbacks and disappointments. Neptune is known for causing illusions and unrealistic expectations. Since Mercury rules the intellect and logic, it is very possible that these things will be under some sort of delusion. Having a realistic timeline is key to making the most out of this transit.

October 31 – Jupiter trines Mercury 28 degrees Capricorn/Virgo

Since both of these planets are finally direct, we can finally make the travel plans that have held us back for so long. However, with the possible spread of the Delta variant it is important that we take precautionary measures. Rest assured this is all temporary and we are being prepared for a much better world. This is also a great transit for higher learning in anything related to health, healing, finances, and government as Virgo and Capricorn both represent Earth signs. So, learning about anything that brings stability to the material plane is the best use of this transit.

With gratitude,

Joni Patry

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