Sep 29, 2021

🍁⚔️🎃 ~ (October: The Smoking Gun of Illuminati Intentions!?!) Key NATO and Allied exercises Night Hawk 2021 (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: Who has the control of NH21? White Hats or Black Hats?... Below pictures and many more with my iPhone and eyes to see near Marina (boat harbours) Aalborg and Airbase.. I talked to a Norwegian guy who made these Naval Special Warfare boats when I went to the harbour by MTB and sold them to the military, so he claimed. He told me, these inflatable boats' design for (frogmen) Navy SEAL, are also used when they tried to liberate Maersk Alabama hijacking in the piracy incident, Indian Ocean 2009... My MTB trip took me near to Aalborg Airport and Aalborg Air Base, security was tight at the Royal Danish Air Force base and saw lots of activity... 👻PS: Soooo... What happened in October of Hunter's Moon or Harvest Moon, Month of Halloween 2020? Denmark planned to cull up to 17 million mink to stop mutated coronavirus as "offering harvest for the dead". Why? In order to show that DDFO is in control of the most satanical freemasonic cult of them all. "They" have to present or tell us all what their intentions are, before they do it. It's stated in their DDFO playbook. To get redemption or a silent acceptance. DDFO 33 Mink farms Harvest Moon, millions sent in gas chambers, cut off and slaughter - ends like animal feed - it is more dangerous to be minkfarmer, than being employed in the healthcare system... What will October 2021 bring us? Wishful thinking; we will not see any new false flags - but who knows... What we might see, is the "Lack of everything" - therefore the raw material prices are skyrocketing. The prices of the world's goods are stroked to Herels in 2021, and the price of your toilet paper, coffee, breakfast, sweaters, woods, metal, semiconductors, cardboard, and not least heating and electricity is on the way up and will not stop, until free energy devices will be revealed (that is my take on it - make up you own mind). Oh forgot, according to my CEO friend in Thailand who runs nonfood container ships, he says; there appears that the supply chains is running with full capacity and each new hick-up and consequences are felt quickly around the world... |


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