Oct 29, 2020

๐Ÿ™ ~ ๐Ÿ’ (Prayers for Mother GAIA) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ ๐Ÿ’• | Blogger: [✨Mass Meditation for the US Presidential Election ~ Vidya Frazier✨] ... {in SoTW humble opinion} -- American or not, this is "Dark Alliance" last stand... We're all living in a 3-D Matrix of Simulation, but we can break free from that concept by bringing the Light into the physical reality of NOW!... Trump as President, represent a (form) of 'Lightworker' or 'Surprising Wild Card' or ¨White Hat Agent¨' who finally flushed into the open by the heroism of a 'joker' who has cornered and stopped the progress of the Banksters, DS, Cabal, Black Nobility's to finish their NWO-goals... Trump is not a Hero or Zero, he has entered into the Matrix Grid REALM to provoke your Ego, Comfort zone and Defenses to ACT... Trump has started a energy-wave of positive vibes, where the high hierarchy of complexity levels of (darkness) cannot survive. The "Dark Alliance" need to feed on Earthling's FEAR and DISTRESS and ANXIETY in order to live... Mary L. Trump book title is correct - How My Family Created the World's Most Dangerous Man', but not to you and me, but to the incredible powerful "Controllers" of our world... |

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