Jun 10, 2020

🩸🖤💸 ~ #AfrikaKontakt #RUSK #BlmDk - Black Lives Matter Denmark: Danish Illegal Campaign Funds ~ | Blogger: [👉"Follow the money"👉] ...{Disclaimer: SoTW has NOTHING whatsoever against any living SOUL on Mother Earth - i'm just looking for the TRUTH} ... (PS: Did Obama Foundation Share Pic of George Floyd 9 Days Before He Died and BLM is Being Used by the Elites?) ... 🤞In Denmark, an police investigation is under way to make BLMDK donations unlawful, if Bwalya Sørensen, spokeswoman for Black Lives Matter in Denmark, cannot prove its legality and purpose... 🤞5000 miles away in America, George Floyd's memorial campaign on GoFundMe received the most donations of all time on the site. More than 480,000 donations from people in 140 countries worldwide and has accumulated more than $13,400,000 in donations at the time of this article's publication. That is just below 100 million danish kroner. 🤔Who is to receive all these millions and what is their aim? More 'civil unrest', 'riots,' 'violence,' 'looting' or just peacefull demonstrations to what end? ... 🗣️RUMOR has it; George Soros, Antifa, green fake climate change activism and actor parents (Greta's mum opera singer Malena Ernman, father is actor Svante & Even her grandfather, Olof, was a famous director and actor) is backing Green-Greta Thunberg-Thunder (‘Highest Paid Activist’), the famous 16-year-old climate activist, there is a liberal oligarch and a globalist movement... 🗣️RUMOR has it; that Former danish PM, Former CEO at Save the Children, present censor judge at Facebook, board member in tax havens(with former disgraced OW bunker CEO, via Luxembourg to tax haven Jersey), was the forefront of a human trafficking organization and has slammed foreign policy several times, and her job at Save The Children. She was securing a regular ferry route for thousands of illegal migrants from Africa to the EU. That's according to a danish lawyer, Klaus Ewald, Peter Krogsteen, trained yacht skipper and IT manager and Italian admiral, Enrico Credendino, commander of EU anti-smuggling operation Operation Sophia... 📝NOTE: An anonymous researcher has compiled an incredibly well-researched and documented account of how western banks, governments, and NGO’s conspired to turn southeast Europe into a mafia-run hell-hole where children are sold and women forced into prostitution. It’s remarkable he was able to piece it together from so many disparate online records.... (All evidence enclosed in this blog post)... |




(vigilantcitizen) Stacey Abrams was the subject of a Washington Post cover story propping her for Vice-President.
 The headline talks about her “quickly moving to prominence” despite losing an election.
Maybe it has something to do with the symbolic meaning of using the American flag to do the one-eye sign 
(submission to the elite).



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