Jun 10, 2020

πŸ˜·πŸ›ƒπŸ₯΄ ~ They Just Want Us to Comply (newswithviews) ~ | Blogger: [πŸ‘‰"What truly concerns me is the sheeple people are perfectly fine with whatever is thrown at them. The six foot distance is completely arbitrary as well as fictitious " ~ Dennis KellyπŸ‘ˆ] ... |

Source (newswithviews)

Dennis Kelly

May is behind us and spring has finally arrived in my neck of the woods. We joke about enjoying the four seasons here, June, July, August and winter. As I look at the maples beginning to blossom, the tree swallows and blue birds taking up residence in the nest boxes, having our first humming bird show up the other day, it’s hard to imagine a catastrophe is taking place within this once great nation. It’s quite surreal to observe this beautiful day with its warm breeze and blue sky while out there a horrible contagion has set upon the land infecting everything in its path. If you think I’m referring to this phantom virus commonly referred to as Covid -19 or the riots which have broken out across the land, you would be mistaken. What I am referring to is this mental derangement that has swept throughout our nation from coast to coast and has afflicted every aspect of our society. It seems corrupt the rational thought process causing once ordinary, common individuals to react irrationally bordering on insanity. How else do you explain people driving around alone in their vehicle wearing surgical masks around their nose and mouth or painting large red arrows on public sidewalks forcing pedestrians to walk in only one direction? (READ MORE)

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