May 19, 2020

👼 ~ 💗 May 23 Global Activations (Meg Benedicte) 💕 ~ | Blogger: it's a reminder to whom it may concern... |

Join Meg Benedicte and Manette Mays with Light Bearers, Gridworkers and Star Beings all around the world for the Global Activations on Saturday, May 23rd at 12:00pm Pacific Daylight Time. All Activations are recorded and available for Replay at the Event URL.

While the world is on pause, we have a rare opportunity to influence the direction of this Ascension. We will travel to the galactic center and step into a potent zero point state of pure creation. All life on the planet is experiencing massive healing transformation at the molecular level.

The pandemic is flushing up from the unconscious depths hidden trauma and unresolved conflict dating back to the collapse of the Atlantean civilization. This all needs to be acknowledged, nurtured and transmuted so we can ascend beyond. In the Global Activations we will work on these healing issues, past-life traumas, cancelling ancient agreements and clear oppression.

We are transmitters and receivers of light. As the gateway opens, our bioelectric field attunes to the ascension codes embedded in the light infusion. When we travel to the galactic center and connect to the crystal stargate of Source, we are paving the pathway home to Creator.

Prepare to quantum leap to the next level of your Soul’s Ascension Plan! The planetary shift is accelerating into 5th Dimension as the old Time Matrix dissolves. Are you ready to jump into the next phase of your personal Ascension? Travel to the Great Central Sun and step into the Crystal Stargate with Starseeds all around the world, as Meg channels Metatron’s sacred geometry Activations. Tapping into the ancient knowledge of Zep Tepi Mystery Schools and Quantum Access™ modality, Meg will guide you through the steps to open your Portal to the Quantum Field.

If you are new to the Quantum Access technique, Meg created a visual guide on how to apply the activation steps with Metatron’s Cube sacred geometry. This short video is available to prepare for the global webcast. Click here:

All shows are available for replay at the event link. The recording is accessible within minutes upon completion of the show broadcast at the URL. You will receive a separate login email with show link once payment is processed. Never miss an email from us and add to your approved email list to prevent blocking to spam.

Notice to HOTMAIL & GMAIL Users: Recently Hotmail and Gmail have been bouncing our emails. If you do not receive an immediate email response with Login details, please contact us at before the show.

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