Source (PrepareForChange)
Topics include:
- The importance of breath and supporting the body
- Crystal and Indigo Energies, Divine Feminine, Our Sovereignty, Soul Families Connecting
- Compassion and Forgiveness
- Christ Consciousness, Body Changes and Feelings of Lightness, Buzzy
- Importance of listening to your Inner voice your Internal Guidance
- Feeling Vulnerable and reaching out for support
- Crisis in the Lungs and Throat, Congestion
- Collective Grief, Dark Night of the Collective Soul
- Importance of FEELING again as We need each other as a collective Humanity
- President Donald J Trump MMS Multi-Mineral Solution
- Multiple Dreams from many people showing the truth of Trump
- Guidance for those that have a great deal of hatred
- Knowing will come when you are in alignment with the Higher Dimensions
- Must understand multi-dimensions to understand what is happening with Trump
- We can make each other better people
- Unity Consciousness
- Balance of Light and Dark within and Creation
- Understanding Duality, Integration of Polarity, Higher Dimensional Perspectives
- Great Reveal and the Removal of the Masks
- Small Self EGO Mask
- True Colours of SOULS are being revealed to each other, No more BS
- Return of the Power of the Feminine
- Global Resurrection and the Power of coming together
- Meditate, Self Love is So important (READ MORE)
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