Oct 15, 2019

πŸ”΄ ~ BREAKING NEWS: 2100 Children Just Rescued From Hellish Underground Bunkers In California 10/14/19 ~ | Blogger: [πŸ”»SORRY to bring this to your attention. This is NOT a conspiracy!πŸ”Ί] ... Excerpts: Benevolent positive military sources from Pentagon (help from Trump admin) has rescued 2100 kids during CA blackout. Sources described the demonic satanic bunker scene as taken out of a Stephen King's (clown) movie "It", where children were tortured, then murdered to maximize the negative affect, before draining them. Why? To synthesize adrenochrome-laden human blood for the elites, which is harvested through the experience of terrifying individuals to the brink of fear/insanity, known as Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA)... Confirmed by Timothy Charles Holmseth - an award winning news reporter and investigative journalist and his sources at Pentagon... (you be the judge)... |

Timothy Charles Holmseth is an award winning news reporter and investigative journalist. He is an FBI witness in a national profile kidnapping case. He captured rogue CIA and FBI child traffickers on tape discussing their operations. He has been targeted for a decade. 

Timothy Holmseth https://www.timothycharlesholmseth.com 

BREAKING NEWS: 2100 Children have just been reported rescued from hellish underground bunkers in California during the blackout. The rescue was done by the PENTAGON PEDOPHILE

TASKFORCE according to source Timothy Charles Holmseth! Also a huge THANK YOU to President Trump for bringing an end to the Child & Human trafficking rings that run behind the scenes & THANK YOU TO THE MANY PATRIOTS THAT RISK THEIR LIVES TO HELP SAVE THE BABIES!! πŸ™πŸΎ♥️πŸ™πŸΎ♥️

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