Jun 30, 2019

πŸ‘Ό Matt Kahn | ~ πŸ’“ From Matt's Heart (plus a new video)...πŸ’• ~ | Blogger: [πŸ‘‰"I HOPE THIS DOESN'T HAPPEN" : The 'Most' self-defeating in our human language" ~ Matt KahnπŸ‘ˆ] .. (verdensalt) Oh Man! so, profoundly true... Using 'Hope' and 'Self-Defeating' (Self-Destruction) in one sentence = failure... |

Dear Beautiful,

On this wondrous Sunday morning, I reflect upon the incredible depth and magnitude of our global love revolution. With friends and soul family members from every city, state, country, ethnicity, religious background, and personal orientation coming together to honor the divinity in all and help raise the vibration of our reality through the power of heart-centered consciousness. It’s quite an ambitious goal, but what would the value of our lives be without attempting something positive that might seem impossible or daunting to some?

The Love Revolution is not preparing to ascend, but it is the upward trajectory of an ascension already in progress. If you are reading these words, you are already ascending. Perhaps you're brimming with exhaustion, frustrated from an inability to avoid being emotionally triggered, or not knowing where the next chapter of your life is headed. Whether feeling more free, fulfilled, and elated than ever before, or unsure how to move yourself in the direction of your deepest inspiration, there is a bigger cosmic plan playing out in reality and I’m so honored to acknowledge you as an active contributor to humanity's awakening, whether you are aware of your offerings or not.

Just by passing people on the street, they become infused with the vibrations of light you uniquely radiate to assist in their evolution. Equally so, the same happens from their end in the exchange. When you are aware of this process, every interaction and encounter is a divinely-perfect orchestration of energetic file-swapping. When unaware of this process, we tend to take on the emotional density others are ready to purge, and vice versa. And so it seems, we are living in a planet of evolving light workers and empaths, who continue to take on everyone else's’ emotional and cellular density. That is, until we begin acknowledging and accepting the power and capacity of our energy fields, which cannot be controlled or coerced by the unraveling integrating ego. Despite the ego believing nothing powerful occurs without its awareness or control, the power of your energy field works nearly independent of the thoughts, beliefs, and reactive patterning of ego -- much like an oven mitt covers your hand, but cannot control the will of what the hand will do.
Because we have been raised in societies that believe progress is a matter of doing versus being, the innate gifts of your energy field have been overlooked for countless generations.

As the world awakens into 5D consciousness we, as radiant individual expressions of Source energy, become more aware of the gifts we are already offering, instead of preparing for some future moment of long-awaited achievement.

From this space, we begin to accept: “All the gifts I’m here to share emanate from my energy field to those I pass by and meet. Before my gifts can be offered through the actions of my doing, it is essential to acknowledge the gifts provided in simply being."

This helps you shift into a depth of awareness where you are already fundamentally contributing to the healing of the whole. The more you become aware of what is already happening, the less you’re likely to play the role of cosmic janitor, so you can shift into your true life purpose as a fully embodied and integrated anchor of light.

Beyond the anchoring of light, there is so much more for you to offer our incredible world; but before such gifts can be offered in active states of choice-making, you must first see the value of your unique contribution which has been blessing this planet since the day you were born.

On this gorgeous, magical Sunday morning, I celebrate you in all your glory, beauty, and majestic splendor. I honor the perfection in you that is untouched by personal circumstance and cannot be measured by the ego’s patterning or behavior. I raise my tea cup in your honor and invite you to join me in celebrating a depth of peace, a radiance of love, and a clarity of truth awakening in every corner of the globe.

Our Love Revolution continues to spread worldwide and I’m so grateful it has brought us together. May we bring peace on Earth, a life of ever-lasting joy for every heart, and a society of compassion, respect, equality, and unity for all sentient beings.

Please enjoy this newsletter and the brand-new video we just posted. Whether on our Total Integration calls, at our upcoming Omega retreat, or even our group healing weekends in Berkeley, Encinitas, and Minneapolis, I look forward to connecting with you soon.

All for light. All for life. All for love. 

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