Jun 11, 2019

💵 Finans.dk | ~ 30 investorer er klar til at sagsøge Danske Bank for mindst 750 mio. kr ~ | (Eng) 30 investors sue Danske Bank for $475m over money laundering scandal ~ | Blogger: [🤑Stung by Big Fines, Big Banks Beef Up Money, Laundering Controls. Fines Doesn't Help - "Too Big To Fail"💸] ... {Float Like A Butterfly, Sting Like a Bee} ... TRUST ME, i'll been 30 year in the banking industry, and DANSKE BANK, just don't give a rat's arse! (pardon my french) ... Some banks are too big to fail, meaning they'll likely be bailed out by the government if facing bankruptcy. To avoid such banks behaving recklessly at the expense of the taxpayer, banking regulators have imposed safety nets, based on risk calculation. They have already survived 2008 crisis, and the profit lucrative big bank bailout, created by our Wall Street empire with Rothschild & Nathan-Rothschild-and-famed-quote Sons is the sole financial adviser to the Danish government... So you see, there's no way, this will hurt them, they are more concern over improving the image the bank has in the public eye, and it is no surprise that the reputation of banks and financial institutions has dropped significantly since 2009.. HOWEVER, banks like Danske Bank, keeps flooding because they depend on BIG customers and businesses, not Mr. & Mrs. Smith.. BUT, if Deutsche Bank, European Central Bank or some mega-banks in America, UK goes down, then Danske Bank will sink to the bottom of the ocean, with them... DID YOU KNOW, while we talk, Deutsche Bank has discovered serious failings in its anti-money laundering and sanctions controls that allowed cheques and high-value electronic payments to be processed without proper screening!?... Bank for International Settlements (BIS), World Bank with Deep State (13 BLOODLINES) are the 'controllers', not a petty bank, like Danske Bank.. |

Investors sue Danske Bank for $475m over money laundering

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