Nov 20, 2018

Aluna Ash- 9D | ~ Energy Update 11/19 ~ | .. Something Huge is coming.. I think everyone can feel this or will be feeling this, huge energy shifts.. we are getting closer to the end of the 13,000 yr cycle moving to the Divine Feminine- 2019, first time in our lifetime we experience this time interesection point to uplift to 5D.. last time was- Atlantis .. |

I'm still trying to figure out how to explain exactly what I'm seeing, for the last couple weeks.. its like a hologram over earth. Or layers of holograms & a ship. A layer hiding ship i dont really know how to put it into words yet i guesw 😂😁
Something Huge is coming.. I think everyone can feel this or will be feeling this, huge energy shifts.. we are getting closer to the end of the 13,000 yr cycle moving to the Divine Feminine- 2019, first time in our lifetime we experience this time interesection point to uplift to 5D.. last time was- Atlantis
These energies are uprooting karmic frequencies individually and collectively. You may feel as if youre vibrating also, dizziness or vertigo
The border situation is just distraction, paid, fake. Its all to create division & fear. All theater
I am still getting a huge focus of energy moving fast in the ocean.


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