Sep 11, 2018 | Sep 11, 2018 | ~ Verdensalt Marks 17th Anniversary of Attacks of 9/11. Ignorance is Strength ~ | .. Operation Northwoods was the code name for a set of proposals by the Joint Chiefs of Staff in 1962 intended to create a pretext for a war on Cuba. The operation called for a series of false-flag terrorist attacks by the Pentagon against US ships and aircraft, and Cuban refugees. 1 Skeptics of the official account of 9/11 were quick to point to Operation Northwoods as evidence of the intent of US military officials to carry out false flag operations such as 9/11/01 .. | Blogger: [πŸ€”What if: The Twin Towers were not hit by commercial airliners? The World Trade Center was brought down in a controlled demolition? The Pentagon was not hit by a 757? Flight 93 was shot down? World Trade Center Building 7 collapsed on 9/11 after the Twin Towers but was never hit by a plane? What if? 🏴‍☠️]... (by Toby Rogers:) - Was 9/11 the resurfacing of (Blueprint) Operation Northwoods?... JFK rejected Northwoods. After being tricked by the CIA into the Bay of Pigs invasion/catastrophe, he vowed to tear the CIA apart and scatter it to the winds. He also ordered withdrawal of American troops from Vietnam. Soon after that Kennedy was assassinated. Within a week of his death his order to withdraw from Vietnam was rescinded and replaced with orders to build up troops in Vietnam. The next year a phony incident in the Gulf of Tonkin was used as a pretext to escalate the Vietnam War. But nothing as outrageous as Operation Northwoods was attempted at that time... πŸ’­PS: Did you know, the US was actively simulated war games including an attack on the country that involved hijacking planes that day? ... |

The Corbett Report: 9/11: A Conspiracy Theory (5 min)

Operation Northwoods Exposed (MUST-SEE 3 min VIDEO!!)

What Happened to 15 Members of SEAL Team 6 in Afghanistan? (2014 - 9 min)

9/11: Decade of Deception (Full Film NEW 2015 - 2 hours)

- This film is a summary of the strongest evidence given over the four days of hearings. This was known as The Toronto Hearings on 9/11

We NEED To Talk About 911 - LIVE with Press For Truth (AMA 2 hours)

Urgent: Scientists Confirm Explosives Used to Demolish Towers on 9/11...
Physics Journal Publishes Hard Peer-reviewed Evidence of WTC Explosives...
Twenty-five Military Officers Call Official 9/11 story "Impossible", "Ludicrous", "A well-organized cover-up", investigate 911 now...
Majority of 9/11 Commissioners Now Say Government Lied...
1,000 Architects & Engineers "calling for a Grand Jury investigation of NIST officials"...

Scientists find Nano-thermite explosives (estimated at over 10-tons) at the World Trade Center catastrophe.

Niels Harrit presenting evidence for nano-thermite in WTC, on GoodMorning Denmark (English Subs)