Jul 5, 2018

The Vigilant Citizen | July 5, 2018 | ~ Symbolic Pics of the Month 07/18 ~ | .. In this edition of SPOTM: The fashion world losing its mind, a bunch of celebrities trying to stay relevant and more proof of the occult elite revealing its true ugly face .. | Blogger: [👥REALLY disturbing pictures (Hollywood Illuminati Signs🤘).. Big-Pharma-Nano-Nucleonic-Cyborg-Summoning-Homophobia-Transgender-Feminism-Transhumanism-Artificial-Intelligence-Inorganic-Consciousness-Escapism-Xenophobic-Fear-Mongering-Rant🤖] ... verdensalt.dk are 'NOT' a illuminati-handler with a negative condemning narrative, but rather, an alternative news-center - a portal for love and light. HOWEVER, with a slogan, “the truth will set us all free”, and in order to know what the mark of the beast is, we must first identify and analyse how our present NWO, is trying to alter our body, mind and with implant-control-mechanism, for further submission, unconditional subjection to A.I.'s Archons control-grid of ideology or death... We the People, are the creators and has the divine ability to change, anything we want to. How do we implement the new spiritual paradigm shift, of love & light, and a world that works for EVERYONE? Demand a resignation of human implants, reincarnations of prison contracts and control and servility... Does it make any sense to you? It does to verdensalt.dk... So be it and so it is! Namaste!... 👼 |

Dagens.dk | 1. Marts 2018 | ~ Medina i vild navneforandring: Så overraskende er hendes nye navn ~ | .. Skal man tro rygterne, så har Medina igen skiftet navn. Denne gang til noget meget jordnært .. | Blogger: Beklager, hvis nogen bliver stødt af det her 😇 ... (Satire - eller er det?) - Radio24syv, Den Korte Weekendavis og Kirsten-Birgit er tilbage. Og hvis man skal tro på hvad Seniorkorrespondenten fortæller os, så har Stjerneidolet, MEDINA, skiftet navn via CPR-registeret, for at SKJULE, at hun er taget for spiritus eller Narkokørsel, så pressen ikke får nys om det. Altså, så hendes navn ikke figurere over danske retskredse og deres retsprotokoller (satire? eller har KBSKH ret?). Lidt ligesom Søren Pape Poulsens kæreste der blev taget for spritkørsel med tårnhøj promille eller Venstre-profilen Jakob Engel-Schmidt, som blev knaldet for Narko i blodet ... PS: Ovenstående billeder, er hentet fra en af nyhedsbrevne via det nystartet parti, JFK21 - JordenFrihedKundskab (Copyright © *2017* *madspalsvig*, All rights reserved) ...


 Symbolic Pics of the Month 07/18

Theresa Caputo aka The Long Island Medium does a big fat one-eye sign in Paper Magazine. Why? Because that’s what’s you need to do to stay in the biz.
The fashion show by designer Xander Zhou featured male models walking around with fake pregnant bellies. There is a clear and constant effort to blur genders and to confuse people about their natural differences. And the fashion world is part of that effort. Also, the feminization of men is of the utmost importance.
The Spanish fashion brand Palomo shot to prominence in a few short years after getting endorsements by the likes of Beyonce. The brand’s 2018 fall-winter ad campaign is in perfection continuation of the gender blurring/ feminization/dehumanization agenda going on in the fashion world. The campaign features young male models dressed in Peter Pan-like clothes, crawling on all fours while attached to leashes.
Actress Jaime King attended the premiere of Incredibles 2 with her 4-and-a-half year old son wearing a dress. On top of parading the boy around on red carpets, she plasters pics of him in dresses all over social media while being praised as a “super-mom”.  Instead of living a healthy, balanced childhood, this kid has to be a face of the obvious gender agenda of mass media.
READ MORE: https://vigilantcitizen.com/pics-of-the-month/symbolic-pics-of-the-month-06-18/