Jul 5, 2018

Reuters | July 5, 2018 | ~ FEATURE-India's 'worst water crisis in history' leaves millions thirsty ~ | .. NEW DELHI, July 5 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Weak infrastructure and a national shortage have made water costly all over India, but Sushila Devi paid a higher price than most. It took the deaths of her husband and son to force authorities to supply it to the slum she calls home. “They died because of the water problem, nothing else,” said Devi, 40, as she recalled how a brawl over a water tanker carrying clean drinking water in March killed her two relatives and finally prompted the government to drill a tubewell. “Now things are better. But earlier ... the water used to be rusty, we could not even wash our hands or feet with that kind of water,” she told the Thomson Reuters Foundation in Delhi. India is “suffering from the worst water crisis in its history”, threatening hundreds of millions of lives and jeopardising economic growth, a government think-tank report said in June. From the northern Himalayas to the sandy, palm-fringed beaches in the south, 600 million people - nearly half India’s population - face acute water shortage, with close to 200,000 dying each year from polluted water .. | Blogger: All prayers go out to India & world's affected populace with water pollution, drought and fresh water shortages.. 🕯️😔💞 ... PS: verdensalt.dk interpretion of Dr. Masaru Emoto's 'Water, Consciousness & Intent': WATER, we are sorry. WATER, please forgive us. WATER, please save Fukushima and the water supply in the world. WATER, we love you. WATER, we thank YOU... |

READ MORE: https://in.reuters.com/article/india-water-crisis/feature-indias-worst-water-crisis-in-history-leaves-millions-thirsty-idINL8N1TM2XR