Jul 5, 2018

The David Icke Videocast | July 5, 2018 | ~ The Skripals World Cup - Government Faces As Red As The Shirts ~ | Blogger: [⚠️All You Need To Know⚠️] ... (Laboratory Confirmed Amesbury Couple Was Affected by Novichok - Scotland Yard, demanding answers from Russia) ... -- BREAK-IN STORY -- What IF, the Government cover-up & manipulation will link the deadly poison stolen from safety vault in Dutch museum today, on Russia??? It's out there, that The Dutch Safety Board who investigated the accident to flight MH17 - ARE PROFESSIONAL LIARS!! ... You be the judge ... |

David Vaughan Icke er en engelsk forfatter, foredragsholder, og tidligere medie personlighedbedst kendt for sit syn på, hvad han kalder  "who and what is really controlling the world".Beskriver sig selv som den mest kontroversielle taler og forfatter i verden, han har skrevetmange bøger der forklarer sin position og er døbt "New Age conspiracism". Har tiltrukket en betydelig skare af følgere fra hele det politiske spektrum. Hans 533-siders "The Biggest Secret(1999)" er blevet kaldt konspirationsteoretikers "Rosetta Stone".

Youtube Sponsor - Nathassia - http://www.nathassia.com 

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