Jun 30, 2018

NPR | June 30, 2018 | ~ Former ICE Chief Counsel Gets 4 Years In Prison For Stealing Immigrants' Identities ~ | .. ICE attorney made almost $200,000 stealing immigrants' identities .. | Blogger: See how easy it is to misuse the system in central governments .... Denmark with #Stoejberggate in front, passes controversial bill in 2016 to seize assets and valuables from refugees... Just think about it!? Only used 4 times, in 2 year time, has danish authorities used this law called 'smykkeloven', sized over 174.000 DKK, going straight into the political party election campaign cash box. But, is this just symbolism, employed by Europe, misleading and, therefore, dangerous? ... |

A former top attorney at ICE in Washington state has pleaded guilty to stealing the personal information of immigrants who were at risk of deportation and using the data to defraud banks. Here, protesters stand outside the ICE office in Seattle during a demonstration in May.Lindsey Wasson/Reuters

READ MORE: https://www.npr.org/2018/06/28/624207450/former-ice-chief-counsel-facing-prison-time-for-stealing-immigrants-identities