May 14, 2018 | 13. Maj 2018 | ~ Tiggede i S-toget: Fængsel og udvisning ~ | (In English:) - A 30-year-old Bulgarian has been sentenced in prison for 20 days and is also expelled by Denmark with a ban on entry for six years after he has acknowledged begging on the S-train .. | Blogger: [👮Dumb Laws in Denmark. How to Stay Out of Jail👮] .. How many laws and paragraphs are there in Denmark? On you can read that there are a total of 1437 different Danish laws and decrees (hereinafter called "love"). But since a law can contain a very large number of different sections (§), it doesn't really matter about where things really should be known. In Denmark, it is the duty of the citizen to know the law, in the sense that you are not usually acquitted, because you did not know the law ... First of all, NEVER travel to Denmark and then beg for money, that's jail time... One may not be charged for food at an inn unless that person, by his or her own opinion, is “full”... Next, Offenses involving illicit drugs carry strict fines. Marijuana is considered a soft drug in Denmark, and penalties for possessing it won't be nearly as strict as they are for carrying a substance like cocaine... Denmark's burka ban could also forbid masks and fake beards... There is a penalty of 20kr for not reporting when a person has died... Attempt to escape from prison is not illegal, however, if one he is caught he is required to serve out the remainder of his term... Danish police 'stop-and-search zones' are real, but has little effect... Basically, if your not a genuine citizen of Denmark, don't bother coming (ruling by Danish Government) ... |

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