May 14, 2018

COBRA's Spanish Support Group Site | May 14, 2018 | ~ Notes of the Budapest Ascension Conference, April 2018 ~ |

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Cobra is a Pleiadian contactee and has been in contact with the underground for over 35 years. He has been told to remain anonymous by The Resistance and has ongoing communications with beings from Planet X that assist The Resistance Movement. As an earthly representative of the Agarthan network and the light forces, he strives to prepare humanity for the up and coming event horizon.

Here I share, dear ones, my notes about the Budapest Ascension Conference with Cobra on the 14th and 15th of April 2018.

While I have taken extreme care, first writing by hand, and later transcribing my notes for digital sharing, I have to make clear that this text should not be taken as the exact words of Cobra. You will be guided.

You are encouraged to share the link to this document.

14 May 2018
Version: 180514-0

Saturday April 14th


This is the first conference in a new time line which will lead to The Event, many surprises, requires more direct participation in ways not planned.

We have come from various ways and will align with meditation. Take your personal notes and share them. Personal info no. Intel yes.

Note: We did here a short meditation to unite the group in one being, breathing in a brilliant white light, and breathing out a brilliant white light, one time per each of our bodies (physical, etheric and mental bodies). Then we sang the mantra OM three times.

I am not alone doing this, there is a whole Pleiadian fleet here since Thursday, working to create a breakthrough this weekend. Isis Astara is with us, working, we dedicate her memory and the presence of the Goddess with this video (video The Goddess Spiral Meditations)

We will continue our mission until the victory of the light, every moment matters, do not forget that.

Until now we have been subjected to different layers of programming. I think everybody came here with the purpose to assisting to transform this planet.

Layers of programming:

1st layer, as we entered the quarantine we have surrendered to implantation of our minds to distort the perception of reality.
2nd layer is trauma based for many lifetimes of this time, shocking events transformed personality. If the consciousness cannot handle it... your awareness consciousness cannot access it because it is subjected to intense programming.
3rd layer from parents, we received emotions from our mother. If mother is afraid we accept it as our own.
4th layer school
5th layer media, press, tv, radio, newspapers, Facebook, Whatsapp
6th layer scalar program
No wonder everybody is so messed up. We need liberation from these 6 layers of programming.

Ascension means becoming one with yourself. A divine marriage between personality and the soul. Will not happen until erasing all programs. We will work to remove them, I may unlock parts you didn't know existed.
The mission by the Pleiadians is to unlock and release a lot and will bring us closer to our mission, and will assist the planetary ascension process. You will use your own brain, I am not giving you another layer of programing, learn with your own head.

Picture: Maybe if we tell people brain is an app, people will start using it.

Since January 27th, the planetary situation update is not in the Internet. Time to prepare yourself for the changes, it is of the highest purpose.
The Event will be televised and you will take part of it. You will be contacted. You need to discover what to do. You need to go inside and discover your mission, and then you can talk to me. Before we are wasting time.

Why were you born here? 9-5 job? House? Find out now. What is it, it is a priority find NOW. Each day matters, we have a finite amount of time.

What we see is a very small part of reality (of 100 billion galaxies). Expand to include more of reality.

Picture: Cobra beyond the veil.
Cobra´s near space flight on a Russian airplane led to the discovery of the chimera group, toplet bombs connected to the hostage surface population

Questions and answers:
How is it the feeling of being beyond the veil? Liquid, light, feel it with your body as a pleasant energy.
External attacks come from weak spots, your loved ones need to learn how to protect themselves.

-Galactic Alignment and Galactic Super-wave

The Galactic Central Sun is emanating a strong energy field. One form is tachyons which were the first matter created, and are of the highest vibration possible. Tachyons cannot be corrupted or misused for negative purposes, they transform the primary anomaly. First chamber was build 14 years ago. There is a network of developed products with tachyons. Beyond the veil felt wonderful because there were tachyons everywhere.
Products brought here about tachyons, protection for the house, against electromagnetic radiation. Fluoride for 5th dimension. Moldavite connection with Pleiades.