Mar 24, 2018

The American Thinker | Mar 23, 2018 | ~ Citi Group imposes gun control rules on its clients ~ | .. Progressive virtue-signaling by the elites of American finance, technology, and industry is well on its way toward replacing the power of democratically elected government in regulating our behavior. Who needs to go through the messy business of passing laws when the increasingly oligopolistic commanding heights of the economy can impose rules on us by fiat? The financial behemoth that now calls itself "Citi" yesterday announced that it will be shunning business with those who do not conform to its ideas on the limitations of the Bill of Rights. Currently at issue is the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution, but in theory, once this sort of thing begins, freedom of speech, religion, and association, or due process (among other rights), is not off the table .. | Blogger: [Wall Street Danmark - Vi må ikke være for naive] ... 🔫🔪🗡️... Det er af naturlige grunde, ikke højaktuelt i Dannevang - eller?.. Den amerikanske regering, nok snarere den mørke stat, har i det skjulte, forsøgt, at ændre og fratage amerikanernes rettigheder, til at bære våben, Second Amendment to the United States Constitution. Noget, som danskere, har svært ved, at forholde sig til. Dog, kan vi godt skændes om, hvorvidt loven om knive og blankvåben mv. (knivloven) er TOTALT vanvid. Meeeen, det tangere lidt a la amerikanske tilstande, når man i 2017, fik frit lejde, til at aflevér ulovlige våben anonymt og straffrit i hele juni måned (Er du i besiddelse af et ulovligt våben, våbendele, ulovlig ammunition eller eksplosivstoffer, opfordrer vi dig til hurtigst muligt at aflevere det til politiet i politiekspeditionernes åbningstid på politistationerne i Helsingør, Hillerød, Frederikssund og Gentofte).. Flinten var, eller foranledningen var, at få bandemedlemmer til at aflevere våben, men så sandeligt også, til at indsamle våben ind fra almindelige danskere, så justitsministeret og Statsmagten kan overtage tronen som det indpisket militariseret politi, der redder os alle, fra de slemme, slemme mennesker, som vil os det ondt ... you be the judge ... |

Today, our CEO announced Citi is instituting a new U.S. Commercial Firearms Policy.  It is not centered on an ideological mission to rid the world of firearms.  That is not what we seek.  There are millions of Americans who use firearms for recreational and other legitimate purposes, and we respect their Constitutional right to do so.
But we want to do our part as a company to prevent firearms from getting into the wrong hands.  So our new policy centers around current firearms sales best practices that will guide those we do business with as a firm.
Under this new policy, we will require new retail sector clients or partners to adhere to these best practices: (1) they don't sell firearms to someone who hasn't passed a background check, (2) they restrict the sale of firearms for individuals under 21 years of age, and (3) they don't sell bump stocks or high-capacity magazines.  This policy will apply across the firm, including to small business, commercial and institutional clients, as well as credit card partners, whether co-brand or private label.  It doesn't impact the ability of consumers to use their Citi cards at merchants of their choice.