Oct 1, 2017

Collective-Evolution | Sep 28, 2017 | “NONE OF IT MATTERS TO ME, THINGS SEEM TO BE HAPPENING THAT MATTER TO OTHER PEOPLE.” – MORE WORDS OF WISDOM FROM JIM CARREY | .. What we normally see from mainstream media, and the entire entertainment industry in general (which is owned by the “1 percent”) often contains many agendas, falsehoods, and perspectives that often reflect human ego vs truly expanding the way we think. From the presidential elections to pop culture, it’s becoming much easier for people to see through the charade that’s presented to us. Governments of the western world control mainstream media, corporations control governments, and the financial elite rule all. These institutions are used as puppets to push their agendas. Entertainment is often no different as ‘famous’ people who speak out and share wisdom are often made to seem seem unstable, the most recent being Jim Carrey. Jim has been sharing a key message that many of us, because we’ve been systematically disconnected on many different levels, don’t quite grasp and understand. But this is OK, because growing awareness around the subjects he is sharing is now being spread more easily as his latest comments have provided a platform for these conversations. Television is a great tool for getting people to follow a desired narrative, one that is dictated by the elite group that can make anybody out to be crazy and destroy their career and reputation. But at the same time it can be an incredible platform to create discussion. He’s Talking About True Freedom .. |

READ MORE: http://www.collective-evolution.com/2017/09/28/jim-carey-shares-some-more-deep-wisdom-about-idolizing-icons-how-useless-all-this-really-is/