Oct 1, 2017

Caroline Oceana Ryan Newsletter - Excerpts only | Oct 1st, 2017 CET | A Message to Lightworkers |

A Message to Lightworkers - September 29, 2017

The latest guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels and Archangels known as the Collective:
Greetings, Friends and Fellow Light Warriors!
We are pleased to have this time to speak with you again today.
This week we are being asked to answer several questions. They are interesting issues that the Light Community has been asking in different ways for a while now.
One Lightworker has asked:
“Can you tell me if the Earth has split? Are we in the 5D New Earth?
If so, why are the bad people still amongst us as neighbors, and in our towns and cities? When will we know if it has split?”
This is an interesting and important question.
For many assume that once fifth dimensional energies predominate upon the Earth and Her people, there will be no more disagreement, no more challenges, no more questions asked between cultures, and no more diversity between Light and shadow.
We would say, that while armed conflict and verbal or emotional violence will no longer be a part of your everyday lives, that differences of opinion and interests will remain, as they would in any free will planet environment.
Additionally, in the fifth dimension, there is no longer a dividing between those once labeled “bad” and those labeled “good.”
There is recognition of the extreme usefulness in Earth life of the variety of opinions and outlooks—even those that are challenging and difficult to face at times.
There is also no longer a need for the polarity of feeling safe with certain people and beliefs, and unsafe with others.
In fifth dimensional life, each person comes into their own realization of the powerful co-Creative abilities that they naturally carry within them.
So that the idea of “victim” and “aggressor” or “criminal” passes out of the world view of Earth’s people, as these are ideas that while basic to third dimensional life, have no real purpose in the higher dimensions.
In those dimensions, all take complete responsibility for and active involvement in both the inner and outer makeup of their lives and communities.
You are still seeing people upon the Earth who are termed “bad”—those who seek to destroy and control, and to deny others their human rights—because the Earth and Her people are still in the process of Ascending into fifth dimensional life.
The timeline split you refer to is a complicated one to explain at present, as there are what one might call gradations in Earth realities, and not only one offshoot—one fifth dimensional life that rises and separates from one third dimensional Earth.
There is instead a range of holographic expressions and demonstrations of thought and experience, which Earth groups and individuals live through until they are able to rise to higher levels vibrationally.
This is not to say that you are of a low vibrational frequency, and that is why you are not yet experiencing fifth dimensional Earth.
We would say that that form of Earth life is still in Creation mode, still being birthed at every moment.
And that all of you with your inner determinations, your meditative practices, your increasing connection to and honoring of Mother Earth, your creative expressions, and your intention to reclaim your inherent soul abilities while in a human body—all of this is creating fifth dimensional life not only within yourselves, but on the Earth.

So that fifth dimensional life is not a single Earth event or astrological event that you are supposed to be "waiting for."

It is as much an inner as outer manifestation—a demonstration of that which you believe to be true, that which you expect as you out-picture your reality, and that which Earth life as a collective force determines as its new expression.
To begin this new life, you do not have to “wait” till the dark hats are led away by the Ashtar Command, or anyone for that matter.
We would say, how are you expressing your fifth dimensional self, right now?
Are you taking time each day to connect with Nature, to speak with your Spirit team, to get quiet and concentrate on your breathing, or practice other meditative practices?
Are you practicing yoga or tai chi, to align the chakras and open the way to further develop the Lightbody?
Are you asking to see fifth dimensionality as it increasingly expresses all around you?
Or are you waiting until life is suddenly easier, and there is an announcement on television?
We would not depend upon the outside world to hand you a 5D Earth, or any higher dimensional experience.
In the higher dimensions, you do not wait for anything: When you desire to experience something, you actively create it.
And so, we would say, fifth dimensional Earth is in the process of unfolding. 
Though disasters are occurring in the form of apparently natural expressions of storm, flood, fire, or quake, that is never the full story . . . 

Copyright 2017, Caroline Oceana Ryan
If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post.
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