Dec 17, 2017

Ynetnews | Dec 17, 2017 | Protesters march in Tel Aviv against government corruption for third week | Over 10,000 demonstrators march from Rothschild Boulevard to Habima Square in protest of 'foot-dragging' in investigations against PM Netanyahu; 'Corruption is a strategic danger to the society in Israel,' says religious-Zionist Rabbi Yuval Cherlow at rally .. | Blogger: The Khazar/Jewish Mafia… πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™ One of the giant vampire squid's eight arm belongs to the Khazarian mafia's Bibi Netanyahu, Baron Jacob Nathaniel Rothschild, Bush/Clinton clans, Queen of England, etc.. Question is who's the secret ruler of the head of the octopus? Perhaps an aggressive reptilian overlord or AI entity... |

Over 10,000 protesters marched down Rothschild Boulevard in Tel Aviv towards Habima Square on Saturday night for the third week in a row to demonstrate against government corruption and what they describe as foot-dragging in investigations against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

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