Dec 5, 2017 | Dec 1, 2017 | MPs criticised for failing to turn up to debate on humanitarian crisis in Yemen | .. Only about 30 (out of 650) MPs showed up for emergency debate on 'almighty catastrophe' taking place |

Only around 30 MPs attended the debate on the humanitarian crisis in Yemen Only around 30 MPs attended the debate on the humanitarian crisis in Yemen
MPs have been criticised after only a handful turned up for a debate on the growing humanitarian crisis in Yemen.

The emergency debate was called by Tory MP Andrew Mitchell, the former International Development Secretary, who used it to raise concerns about the “almighty catastrophe of biblical proportions” that he said was unfolding in the country.

However, he was joined in the House of Commons by only around 30 of Parliament’s 650 MPs.

Social media users voiced criticism when a picture of the near-empty chamber was posted online.

“Absolutely sickening” wrote one.

“It shows that it’s not a priority”, said another......[READ MORE]

UK  is currently in an emergency debate on . Turnout is disgraceful. This is how the House Chamber looks right now. British voters do care about famine, cholera, blockade, sale of UK weapons that *may* kill civilians, atrocities on all sides. Why don't our MPs?
Did your MP take part in UK 's emergency debate? Here's my list of MPs who bothered to turn up & speak up. Note:
-Some further MPs were present who did not speak
-Not all contributions were useful/objective but most agreed on need to end blockade fast & fully

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