Dave Hodges - TheCommonSenseshow | Dec 10, 2017 | Seth Rich Is One Short Step Away From Justice and Trump Has Liberal Judges On the Run | .. Conclusion: Zero Hedge goes on to allege that Judge Contreras was complicit in the illegal spying on private citizen Donald Trump. the removal of Contreras is a major victory for Trump because it sends shockwaves to every liberal judge who makes a mockery of the Constitution. Perhaps the most significant issue related to the plethora of investigations is that Trump is making the liberals shake in their boots. Anyone that had anything to do with the murder of Seth Rich has been put on notice .. | Blogger: Tænk, hvis det fandt sted i Dannevang - at slå sin modstander ihjel, bokstavligt talt. Det, er hvad der foregår i USA. Kære venner, det er Hillary Clinton's "Rap Sheet". Uanset om du går i kognitiv selvsving, fornægter, slikker hoved i sandet, og bliver konstant ved med, at proklamere, at Crooked Hillary, blot er en lille sød tante, der står ved din side, og vi alle blev snydt for, hun ikke blev den første kvindelige præsident. Beviser er der nok af... |