Nov 15, 2017

TV East | 15. Nov 2017 | Tidligere præst idømt 10 års fængsel for seksuelt misbrug af børn | Blogger: (In English:) A former vicar or priest from The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Denmark or National Church, has been sentenced to 10 years in prison for 'additional' charges of several cases of sexual assault on children and adolescents. He has appealed against the verdict. He has to pay 370,000 kroner in compensation for the offended children, including 100,000 kroner for the then 12 year old boy and 70,000 for the 13-year-old girl. Prior to the new charges, the danish police found at least 397 child pornographic images and 33 videos in the priest residence in his town of Tømmerup - including recordings of several of his sexual assaults.... |

Den tidligere sognepræst i Tømmerup, Dan Peschack, blev i sidste uge kendt skyldig i seksuelt misbrug af flere børn. I dag fik han sin endelige dom. Foto: TV ØST