Oct 30, 2017

TV2 NYS | 30. Okt 2017 | Danmark kan blive første land der stopper udbredelsen af hiv | In english: Denmark can be the first country that stops the spread of HIV - the stated-owned Danish Health Authority (Danish: Sundhedsstyrelsen) recommends preventive treatment of HIV virus with the PrEP pill. HIV, can become a past issue, according to the AIDS-Fondet | Blogger: Something is terribly wrong with our genetic modified politicians, who 'solemnly swear to tell the truth', but are paid by the pharmaceutical mafia monopoly and financially supported by the chemical industry.. They got one thing right though - if you choose to take the placebo effect of the 'blue pill' -- (Matrix - This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill—the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill—you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. Remember: all I'm offering is the truth. Nothing more) 💥HIV is a LIE!!!!!💥 BILL GATES AND THE POLIO VACCINATION LIE!!!! THE CHEMOTHERAPY LIE!!!! HPV LIE!!!!... AIDS is Real, HIV is Fake - AIDS, as in immune deficiency, is real enough. It certainly can be ‘acquired,’ either through drug abuse, poverty, toxic exposure, or antibiotic overload. It can be congenital – some people are born with broken, weak or deficient immune systems. AIDS is real enough. HIV, as in “HIV tests,” and the ‘wily retrovirus,’ however, is an invention, or really, a conglomeration or accumulation of separable phenomena – cross-reacting protein tests, budding ‘exosomal’ sub-cellular particles, bits of broken cellular structures – brought together over time, by different researchers at different labs, all believing that this hodge-podge of cellular detritus adds up to one thing (but only in the gay men and African women they like to target for the make-believe ‘HIV test’ rigmarole). The drugs that come next will knock out any fungus or bacteria that’s growing in you – but it will destroy your blood, intestines and bone marrow too, leaving you lifeless after extended use. It makes the drugs dangerous to take, and hard to quit. AIDS is real enough. Immune deficiency exists, and has many causes. It’s the idea that this diagnosis has one, and only one cause, that is the greatest medical fiction of our age... |

LÆS VIDERE: http://nyheder.tv2.dk/samfund/2017-10-30-danmark-kan-blive-forste-land-der-stopper-udbredelsen-af-hiv