Oct 30, 2017

NN | Oct 29, 2017 | Big Pharma billionaire arrested, charged with conspiracy, racketeering, bribery |

Big Pharma billionaire arrested, charged with conspiracy, racketeering, bribery
Mike Adams
The tide is turning.

The feds have arrested the billionaire founder of Insys, a global drug company, and they'd charged him with conspiracy, racketeering and bribery.

The US Dept. of Justice, in other words, just confirmed everything Natural News has been reporting about the criminal drug cartels over the last fifteen years.

Also today, on the political spectum, brace yourself for a fake news barrage all next week as special counsel Robert Mueller -- a "dirty cop" with a long history of collusion -- tries to distract America from the Uranium One scandal.

P.S. Also see the first story below, where a notorious "science bully" internet troll has just been unmasked and exposed.