Sep 16, 2017

Before It's News | Sep 15, 2017 | The End of a Generation: Young People on the Verge of Madness Due to Smartphones (Videos) | Blogger: Pas på de gående zombier!! Kender du den situation, hvor du forsøger at gå slalomgang på gaden mellem folk, der går og har blikket stift rettet mod deres telefon? Eller at du er ved at støde ind i et vejskilt eller snuble ned af nogle trapper, fordi du er ved at sms'e?. Det er ikke et amerikansk fænomen, det er en 'zombie-epidemi', som er verdens- omspændende.. '45 procent af forældre med hjemmeboende børn har i dag opstillet mindst én regel for brug af tablets og smartphones. Det viser en rundspørge, som YouGov har foretaget for Telia. Der er faktisk ingen grænser for, hvor lang tid ad gangen 10-årige Tobias og 12-årige Christoffer må spille spil eller se serier på deres tablet eller smartphone. Til gengæld er der forbud mod skærmene, når familien spiser aftensmad eller er samlet foran tv’et', ifølge Søndagsavisen... |

(Before It's News)

(N.Morgan) Technology, such as Smartphones, have become a vital part of our day to day living and are negatively impacting our society and having unintended consequences.

Something I’ve observed is that these phones are keeping families from truly engaging in family time, as we once knew it.

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Dinner used to be the time when a family sat down together and shared their experiences of the day, but this now is something of the past, go to any restaurant and you will see entire families sitting at tables, their eyes glued to their phones, no one talking or even making eye contact with each other.

Research is now revealing that Smartphones are having detrimental mental health effects on our youth.

San Diego State University professor of psychology, Jean Twenge has claimed that smartphone usage is having a radical impact on both the behavior and mental health of U.S. teenagers.

Dr. Twenge stated: “The arrival of the smartphone has radically changed every aspect of teenagers’ lives, from the nature of their social interactions to their mental health. Rates of teen depression and suicide have skyrocketed since 2011.

It’s not an exaggeration to describe iGen as being on the brink of the worst mental-health crisis in decades. Much of this deterioration can be traced to their phones.”

This goes beyond teens spending too much time staring at their phones. Dr Twenge has plenty of hard data to support her contentions – made in The Atlantic, the magazine in which Laurene Powell Jobs recently bought a majority stake.

A 2017 survey of more than 5,000 American teens found that three out of four owned an iPhone.

The surveys show that teens today spend far less time hanging out with their friends, fewer of them have a driving license, they date less, have less sex, get less sleep and are more likely to feel lonely.

It appears that Smartphone are adversely impacting the normal stages of child development and socialization.....[READ MORE]