Aug 23, 2017

TV2 News | 23. August 2017 | Frifundne får ikke erstatning efter terrorangreb i København... | In english -- 2015 Copenhagen shootings -- The prosecutor rejects compensation for four acquitted / innocent men who were charged of helping Omar el-Hussein terrorattacker in Copenhagen. A fifth who was charged also receives a 'no'... | Blogger: Hvorfor tror du de får et klart og rungende nej? Undskyld, ønsker ikke at i hverken råber af mig eller skifter kanal, men det kan godt være, at 'man' måske skal overveje at gentænke mediernes sensationshistorie og den politi-research for, hvad der faktisk skete på det debatarrangement på Krudttønden på Østerbro i 2015. Den 22-årige Omar el-Hussein gik i første omgang amok på Krudttønden, hvor han affyrede 27 skud mod kulturhusets glasfacade og resten af historien kender vi jo. Der findes heldigvis hjælp at hente, blandt andet fra Ole Dammegård og en del andre, efterhånden. Siden det stadig, er en smertefuld erindringsoplevelse, siger jeg ikke mer.. Vil dog provokere lidt med et billede af verdens ledere... |

Omar tilstod skuddrab over for vennerne efter sit terrorangreb i København i februar 2015. Foto: Liselotte Sabroe / Scanpix


Sweden's Stefan Löfven, Denmark's Lars Løkke Rasmussen, Norway's Erna Solberg, Findland's Juha Sipilä and Iceland's Bjarni Benediktsson (left to right) posed for a photo in Norway on Tuesday touching a soccer ball
Donald Trump posed for photos with Saudi King Salman and Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi as they placed their hands on a globe on May 21

Copenhagen: ANOTHER FALSE FLAG? CITIZEN CALLS IT ON FACEBOOK! (Video) Running the same template, Police Terrorism Drill Plan In Full Effect: First Dublin, Paris, Copenhagen and then Italy acc. Ole Dammegård. Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today - The patsies will have some kind of link to Islamic State, the bogeyman created by Israel and its friends in Western intelligence agencie

Lets make something completely clear, Ole Dammegård's theory about false flag event in Copenhagen, is based on conspiratory. My first gut feeling when i heard about this event that toke place in my capital - its NOT REAL. Why, after Paris and the indisputable evidence presenting from tons of alternative media and knowing how Cabal or the Zionazi operates, the scene is clear. People has no CLUE whats going on in their world anymore. Do Yourself a favour, listen to what he has to say in this interview..... our Danish mainstream media both on telly and radio has 24/7 non-stop exclusive broadcasting on the TERROR IN DENMARK, Muslims attacking Jews or free speech, everyone is buying into this. Like David Cameron, like our own Helle Thorning prime minister, "we need to unite in this type of crysis, an attack on all of Denmark, "We have tasted the ugly taste of fear". Even our Queen in Denmark "We must stand together", Netanyahu urges Jews to move to Israel after Copenhagen attacks, ..However, there's something fishy going on...NOW, i'm personally awaiting on Benjamin Fulford and his take on the matter......

Sunday, February 15, 2015 22:50 beforeitsnews

It appears that the Copenhagen terror event took place simultaneously during other terror drills. You know what that means… No surprise at all, the “22 year old gunman killed” was under surveillance of intelligence agencies before the attack. That is according to Spy Chief Jens Madsen.

“David, a friend of mine in Denmark, just made me aware of an upcoming terror drill in Copenhagen. Is this another false flag on its way?

If so, let’s stop it by exposing it before it even happens.”

Apparently, ‘David’ had seen a notification of a terror drill. Usually, these drills are taking place while the false flag occurs down the block. Hats off to this man for knowing the moment he saw. It is a shame that this story will be buried beneath the dozens other false flags sure to come.
Copenhagen: Another false flag?

Posted by Kevin Barrett on February 15, 2015

Is this a re-make of “Charlie Hebdo: The False Flag” ?


By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor

When I heard there had been a shooting in Copenhagen, my first reaction was:
“Let’s see if this follows the script: They’ll claim it was Muslims attacking Jews or free speech. The patsies will be‘well known to the authorities’ – meaning informants or useful idiots who have been manipulated by professionals. The patsies will have some kind of link to Islamic State, the bogeyman created by Israel and its friends in Western intelligence agencies. There will be dubiously-related shootings at two separate locations, like with Merah and Charlie Hebdo. The shooters will be wearing masks, because they will be special forces professionals, not the Muslim patsies.  They’ll shoot the patsies instead of arresting them to make sure the loose ends don’t come unraveled. And Netanyahu will immediately call for Jews to flee to Israel– and then barge into Copenhagen uninvited, like a mobster at his victim’s funeral, conveying the message ‘I did it, and I dare you to do something about it.’”
So far, I’ve been right on all counts but one: Netanyahu has not yet made an uninvited visit to Copenhagen.
How did I know exactly what was coming? Am I such a brilliant terror analyst? Maybe even psychic?
Not really. The credit shouldn’t go to me, but to Bibi and his band of Gladio B false-flaggers. These guys just keep reading from the same script.
They say it’s a different play – but it’s not just the same script, it’s the same stage furniture, same characters, same actors, same director, and same…er…”producers.”