Aug 13, 2017

The Tree of the Golden Light Update | Aug 12, 2017 | Message from Kryon | Channeling through Nancy Tate | Blogger: Whew! We're all caught up in the worlds drama of illusion, including me.. Let's take a breath of fresh air. Kryon has a very important message to all humans.. Kryon is saying there's something that's coming for all of us on this planet. It has not been visualized for us yet, in its completeness. You need to sit tight and know, that all the delays for the RV and all of that situation, have been in purpose. Because what is coming will be a release of so much more, than have even been anticipated. As the events unfold, there will be a new encouragement for all people on this planet, to realize, there will be no interference that will be coming from the Cabal, once the EVENT has begun ... [LISTEN TO MORE] |

Kanaliseret af Nancy Tate
© 2017 treeofthegoldenlight

Nancy's Sunset Messages

NEW! 08-12-17: Tonight while watching some music that I brought up on our network of music video choices, I began to feel that there was something coming that I needed to pay attention to. I needed to find music that was soft and full of Love, so I tuned in to a Yanni concert. Then I immediately got the feeling to go out on the porch and receive a message that was coming. 

I bring you tonight a message I received from Kryon, a wonderful being whom I have not received messages from for several years. The first messages I received from Kryon were back in 2002. Tonight it was totally unexpected, but when he announced who was bringing the message, I felt the familiarity of his Love. In a way I feel that he was here to announce to me that I will be taking a new route in my work; he said that was what would be happening. What that will be is yet to come, and I will not try to guess what it is. I know that it will be full of Love and sharing for all of us. 

One more thing I want to say before you tune in to the message is that our dog Cassie was outside and she began barking at people going by. You will hear that about halfway through the message. She loves to express herself in her own way. 

For the Message