Aug 13, 2017 | Aug 13, 2017 | Something you're properly not aware of -- Energy flows where attention goes! TheDeepState wants people to turn on each other and to make more money on wars. . . | Blogger: 💣We saw it with 2012 Sandy Hook School Shooting, 2015 San Bernardino incident, 2015 Copenhagen shootings, 2016 Murdered DNC Staffer Seth and now Charlottesville. (there's been so many other FF incidents in US & EU i know). Blame Muslims for terrorism 👳 perhaps in some cases, crazy white supremacist 💪 People are still fighting about who has rights to the truth, of the many terror attacks or FF events - your pick.. Creating terror incidents, use of False Flags, turning it around against one's own country's populace as a weapon of insult, diversion, division, separation and attack. In Denmark everyone is turning each other in on request from the govt, for minor offenses. The Law of Jante 💂 we have become stubborn, proud, reluctant, envy and self-righteous people. In Denmark, the govt and police state, asking people for help to stop the ongoing gang shootings and the submarine owner who is now charged with negligent manslaughter which he claims is a false flag (the submariner claims the Swedish journalist was dropped of on a island and still alive, Police has NOT found any corpse in the submarine). Who in the right mind can ask for that? Is the danish gang shootings staged event? Now shooting in Sweden again!! Well, people are actually standing in line, they think, their doing the politicians a favour. The danish govt / municipalities has setup anonymous whistleblower programs to turn people in for everything that looks suspicious. Why? To control us and create hate and separation?... Coincidence? The military-industrial complex hit highest stock prices ever as govt hypes N. Korea war! 👻 Fear has infected the planet - so the fraught business of national defense is booming!. Just like war bonds, (WW1, WW2) stock market crash of 1929 etc. TheDeepState with their mighty MIC needs wars to make money. Militarization of civilian law enforcement, the presence of military controlling streets makes money. Terror incidents and FF, makes money. Cyberwarfare makes money.. President Eisenhower's Farewell Address where he coins the phrase. He also warns about the MIC getting out of control. The Military Industrial Complex (MIC) is a term to explain how extreme Militarisation of a country with technology can become a monster out of control. The MIC operates on the streets in many countries now, including Denmark... Now, one other thing you might not understand is the MIC-SSP 💀(TheDeepState--Military-Industrial Complex--Secret Space Program). Benevolent or not, that's a whole other aspect they can use to intimidate the countries on earth. Just think about it, TheDeepState didn't succeed provoking wars with Russia, China and Syria(protected). North Korea is next target and all countries within NATO alliance understand, that US with MIC-SSP has weaponized the skies and earthly orbit with high tech weapons, hence, to wipe out all countries who don't' comply. Exceptions are Russia and China, they have their own SSP up-there. Please remember, i don't have the overall truth of anything. Just pointing some facts out, that normally people will never think about, due to the govt mind control apparatus 👊 Always use your own spiritual discernment 💜 |

BREAKING - Shooter at large after injuring 3 in Malmo, Sweden

Vittne: ”Han sköt hej vilt i lokalen” - Efter en kort stund fann man tre skadade personer. Bild: Patrick Persson

Three people were injured following a shooting in Malmö. Two are seriously injured. It writes Sydsvenskan. The shooting has taken place in an association house on the highway Ystadsvägen. According to Sydsvenskan, the shooting took place early on Sunday morning, where up to 100 people were gathered in the house when fire was opened.


Charlottesville False Flag Illuminati Hidden Agenda 911?Something about this event


Coincidence? Military Industrial Complex Hit Highest Stock Prices Ever as Govt Hypes N. Korea War

(Claire Bernish) Feckless boasts of military might and icy vows to annihilate one another might not necessarily prove war between the U.S., North Korea, and their allies is nigh, but the monumental increase in stocks of weapons and defense manufacturers — the economic fingerprints a preparation for a colossal military endeavor — just might......


Blackwater Founder's 'Disturbing' Plan to Privatize Afghan War Gains Ground

"There's a bad record of contractors and human rights abuses."

"If contractors are replacing soldiers and they are on the frontline they could kill or be killed, there could be kidnaps or insider attacks—what happens if they commit a crime or bodies have to be sent back; there would be a large number of legal complications," one official told the Financial Times. (Photo: Mark Wilson/Getty Images)



General Vallely's comment: Coincidence? Every communist regime on the planet did this as soon as they gained power. I am doing my part by sending this email. I hope you will do the same.

Sleep well last night?

Very, very dangerous! I knew they are after the military but I didn't realize it was in these proportions. We are in deep trouble.

The following is a list of our military elite who have been dismissed or fired under Obama.

Commanding Generals fired:

  • General John R. Allen-U.S. Marines Commander International Security Assistance Force [ISAF] (Nov 2012)
  • Major General Ralph Baker (2 Star)-U.S. Army Commander of the Combined Joint Task Force Horn in Africa (April 2013)
  • Major General Michael Carey (2 Star)-U.S. Air Force Commander of the 20th US Air Force in charge of 9,600 people and 450 Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (Oct 2013)
  • Colonel James Christmas-U.S. Marines Commander 22nd Marine Expeditionary Unit & Commander Special-Purpose Marine Air-Ground Task Force Crisis Response Unit (July 2013)
  • Major General Peter Fuller-U.S. Army Commander in Afghanistan (May 2011)
  • Major General Charles M.M. Gurganus-U.S. Marine Corps Regional Commander of SW and I Marine Expeditionary Force in Afghanistan (Oct 2013)
  • General Carter F. Ham-U.S. Army African Command (Oct 2013)......... 


Lily Gaubert (centre) whose photo was used to represent Sandy Hook 'victim' Allison Wyatt

By Fiona Philips




Danish submarine owner detained over Swedish journalist's death

Composite: Nautilus being raised from waters off Copenhagen. Photo: Martin Sylvest/Scanpix; Kim Wall. Photo: Tom Wall/Helsingborgs Dagblad/Scanpix

Ingen personer i bjærget ubåd

Politiet har ikke fundet Kim Wall i hævet ubåd.-- JP.

»Der er ingen personer - døde eller levende - i ubåden,« så kontant lød det fra drabsefterforsker Jens Møller Jensen fra Københavns Politi.
Søndag middag mødte han pressen i København, hvor det altså kom frem, at Kim Wall ikke er fundet i den hævede ubåd "Nautilus".
»Vi betragter fortsat ubåden som et gerningssted eller et muligt gerningssted,« sagde Jens Møller Jensen videre.
Ubåden har gennemgået et indledende gennemsyn, men nu begynder politiets teknikere en tilbundsgående søgningen efter spor, der forventes at vare flere timer


Justice Minister fights back with new package of anti-gang measures

Drastic times require drastic measures (photo: Familia Bgp Ltf Copenhagen -Facebook). The recent spate of gang-related shootings in Copenhagen and other towns has sparked a sharp response from the government