Aug 20, 2017

Council Of Love with Linda Dillon | Aug 10, 2017 | ~ St. Germain ~ Accept Yourself As Master Alchemist! ~ |

[Uddrag) da jeg deltog på seminaret via videolink: Union & Re-Union: The 2014 Annual Council of Love Gathering..... 

Så er det snart tid til at følge hele holdet fra, Nova Earth Team, John Smallman, og mange andre kendte, især amerikanske spirituelle anerkendte deltagere med Linda Dillon som vært, Divine Mother som inviterede oset stykke tid tilbage, samt vores Opstegne Mestre (Archangel MichaelSt. Germaine to Jesus Sananda), måske vores Galaktiske venner lægger vejen forbi med et fint besøg. Et meget intensivt to-en-halv-dags seminar. Hvis nogen af jer, ikke har hørt Linda Dillon's kanaliseringer som bla. indbefatter en meget stærk energi såsom Divine Mother, der er svær at kanalisere, har GoldenAgeOfGaia igennem flere år nu udført det via BlogTalkRadio og Linda Dillon, som absolut anbefales. Linda har også en Tsunami Of Love meditation m.m. 

Desværre er det sådanne, tage en smuttur til USA med overnatning, seminar, bespisning og meget mere er en bekostelig affære og tidskrævende, men nu er der oprettet en livline som hedder Live Stream / Webc@ast, så nu kan vi alle følge med "live" eller On Demand om man vil, og det er fantastisk. Jeg er sikker på, det at være fysisk tilstede ved en 2 millioner år gammel sø, den enorme energi som stråler fra de ældgamle træer, Council Of Love, de indtryk man ville have fået, dele erfaringer fra de kendte, ville give et helt andet boost, end at sidde i nattøj på sofaen, men sådanne skulle det ikke være i år.....

"And you, my friends, by choice have come as master alchemists because you are changing the entire planet and the collective thereupon. It is an undertaking of such substance … stop fooling yourselves, stop denying yourselves, and say to yourselves, “Accept it. I AM master alchemist.” And you already have. You already work with that element that you are adding to change everything. … It is love


Heavenly Blessings ~ August 10, 2017

Linda Dillon: Channel for the Council of Love
Suzanne Maresca: Host, InLight Universal

[Meditation from 6:57 to 14:48]

St. Germaine: Greetings, I AM St. Germaine.

Suzi: Welcome!

StG: And welcome to you, welcome to all of you, welcome to the planet of Gaians and welcome to the star beings far and wide, welcome to the archangels – and let us together bow to the Mother in such reverence but also in such joy.

Now you know I have often said, “I am not coming back,” and yet I say to you, my beloved friends, family, allies, what an amazing time to be alive! You, sometimes knowingly and unknowingly, wittingly and unwittingly, consciously and unconsciously, are in service – yes, of course, as we all are – but you are in physical service, the true implementation team of the Divine Mother.

Now I have a great deal to share and to discuss and to play with you this day. But think of this for a moment. As I often have gazed and yes, exhaled, breathed in wonder throughout the omniverse, throughout the multiverse, in this beyond-imagination array of solar systems and galaxies and universes, you – you are the ones in the dream of the Mother and, dare I say, where the Mother has placed Her attention in this framework that you think of as ‘time’, that you are on planet in the fulfilment of Her dream and, of course, your dream. It is spectacular! It truly is awesome!

You know, all of you have lived many lifetimes, as have I, and in some of those lifetimes our purpose, our mission either wasn’t clear, or because of the energies or circumstance or those you incarnated with or your own free will, you did not fulfil what you came to do. Now that is neither good nor bad, positive nor negative, because all of it is growth and adventure – and you know I am a great one for adventure! But often you would return home and you’d say, “Aww, didn’t quite turn out the way we thought. Missed that!” And of course, you return again.

You tend to think – and you are correct – of this planet as… I won’t say ‘overpopulated’ but certainly ‘highly populated’ with billions of people. Who would have thought ‘billions of people’? And yes, some are aspects or emanations, but still you are highly populated. But in that, if you think of this handful, literally… handful of beings that have said to the Mother, “I will go.”

Think why there are so many people on the planet right now. There has been a mad rush for the door because this is the fulfilment! Yes, it is the beginning and it is the end of a cycle, but so many have wanted to come. And yet, if you compare that handful of billions to what exists throughout the galaxies, it is but a drop of water!.....[READ MORE]