Aug 20, 2017

Disclosure News Italy | Aggiornato il 19 August, 2017 | ~ Loneliness in Spiritual Awakening ~ |

Loneliness in Spiritual Awakening. By Kelly Ashley.

There may be a multitude of varying signs or symptoms that anyone could have during awakening – and no two would ever be the same – but one common symptom is loneliness.

Ironically, we are united in that. We spent our awakening cursing that loneliness, reflecting on the complexity of our experience and wondering how anyone could ever possibly understand what we are going through.

But until long after the intensity of our awakening had calmed we begin to see how this loneliness had served us. We begin to recognize that the loneliness had a purpose, and it had benefited us in numerous ways (however, that doesn’t mean you have to suffer it, but more on that later).

Let’s take a look at the spiritual purpose of Loneliness in Spiritual Awakening, and how it is actually assisting us further along the path to Spiritual Enlightenment......[READ MORE]