Aug 20, 2017

Berlingske Media - | Aug 20, 2017 | En af verdens rigeste mænd stammer fra ludfattig dansk familie -- One of the richest men in the world comes from a poor Danish family | In English .. Contrasts are huge between billionaire Jeff Bezos and his Danish ancestors. The history of the multimillionaire also contains a dramatic break with the past. Jeff Bezos is, among other things, very famous for being the founder and leader of the world's largest online retailer Amazon, and then he has provisionally been the world's richest man for a single day. It's hardly known that his family is from Denmark - and from a completely different state. It's an abyss, unlike Jeff Bezos' opportunity to live an all-embracing life and to see the pitiful poverty that the great-grandparents could tolerate in their living on Samsø in the late 19th century. At the moment, Jeff Bezos currently has about 340,000 employees. On July 27 this year he was able to adorn the title of the world's richest with a fortune of over $ 90 billion, as he temporarily passed Bill Gates on this one day. By comparison, Denmark's richest Lego family Kirk Kristiansen owns around 180 billion .. | Blogger: Did you know, that Trump's daughter-in-law had a secret visit to little Danish island this summer? The family relationship between Denmark and the US President is closer than previously assumed... Some say, President Donald J. Trump is the direct descendant of Hakon V King of Norway? according to Icelandic genealogist Oddur F. Helgason. Mr. Trump is also related to Queen Margrethe II of Denmark, Icelandic President Guðni Th. Johannesson of Iceland, and in fact almost all Icelanders? .. |