Jun 30, 2017

David Icke | June 30, 2017 | Mass Murder Inc - Any Lie Will Do | The David Icke Dot-Connector Videocast | Blogger: Repeat, repeat & repeat. This is the great method of mind control perception manipulations of repeating lies as often as possible acc. to David.. Are you tired of hearing this, me2. Then do SOMETHING about it. I'm sorry guys, i'd shame myself to repeat it over and over again. Fake News is = CIA Operation Mockingbird & control of all Mainstream Media.. Anywho, besides the fake news stories, David debunked this week, adding some fresh flesh bleeding propaganda MSM stories. A SLAM DUNK?: | Disclosurenews: CNN is Dead Buried Under Its Own Fake News. Nobody else needs to dig a grave for CNN because they are doing it themselves. There has been scandal after scandal at the network, and now one of their producers has been caught on undercover video admitting that CNN has been pushing fake news stories about a connection between Donald Trump and Russia in a desperate attempt to get ratings | DK Berlingske Media: The real purpose of Goldeneye-viruses (the Petya ransomware) is to create chaos in Ukraine, points back to Russia. More and more reporting is suggesting that the 'Goldeneye' ransomware squeeze carried was not at all the true purpose of the viruses. It was, on the other hand, to create the most chaos of Russia's neighbor and opponent, Ukraine, even though the Danish shipping company Maersk was also severely affected | RT: ‘Scorpion & frog’: Haley uses fable to blast Iran as UN & EU say Tehran complies with nuclear deal. US Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley got creative in attacking Iran over its alleged lack of compliance with the nuclear deal, calling it a “scorpion” which can’t help stinging. This is despite the UN and EU saying Iran honors the agreement | AD HOC NEWS: A US bill threatening to sanction European companies taking part in construction of a Russian pipeline is seen as unacceptable in Berlin, Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel said, especially if it actually aims to push America’s own gas exports. ‘Forcing us to give up Russian gas to sell own is unacceptable’ – German FM blasts US sanctions bill | True Activist: Think Trumpcare Is Good For Americans? Take A Look At 3-Year-Old’s Crazy Hospital Bill. With a Republican in office and the party leading both the House and Senate, a huge focus right now in politics is repealing and replacing Obamacare; however, the move is being met with tons of | The Christian Truther: The Dirty Vatican: Cardinal George Pell, Top Pope Advisor, Charged With Multiple Sexual Offenses. A senior Vatican official was charged with multiple sexual offenses by Australian police | TheGuardian: Downing Street says Grenfell council meeting should have gone ahead. No 10 condemns Kensington and Chelsea council for ending meeting and says it should have respected court ruling allowing journalists to attend |

David Vaughan Icke er en engelsk forfatter, foredragsholder, og tidligere medie personlighedbedst kendt for sit syn på, hvad han kalder  "who and what is really controlling the world".Beskriver sig selv som den mest kontroversielle taler og forfatter i verden, han har skrevetmange bøger der forklarer sin position og er døbt "New Age conspiracism". Har tiltrukket en betydelig skare af følgere fra hele det politiske spektrum. Hans 533-siders "The Biggest Secret(1999)" er blevet kaldt konspirationsteoretikers "Rosetta Stone".

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CNN is Dead Buried Under Its Own Fake News