Jun 30, 2017

Verdensalt.dk | WikiLeaks #Vault7 Release News - June | OutlawCountry: ‘CIA hacking tool’ targets Linux operating system | CIA can hack & track Windows devices via their wifi connections | CIA’s secret cyberweapon can infiltrate world’s most secure networks | Advanced CIA firmware has been infecting Wi-Fi routers for years | WikiLeaks Reveals 'Athena' CIA Spying Program Targeting All Versions of Windows | Blogger: Leaked secret documents have revealed that the CIA has been targeting and compromising home, office, and public wireless routers for years in an effort to carry out clandestine surveillance.. Here's your proof! Any internet component and OS system, anytime, anywhere!. Everything is traceable, hackable, infiltrable, bootable, (undecryptable), monitorable.. As our friend COBRA explains to us, many times; ".. The (highly advanced) plasma devices in cell phones laptops and wifi routers are turned on 24h a day - even if you remove the battery. Also your phone can spy on you even if you close it down or even if you remove the battery, the newer versions of smart phones are spying devices for the Cabal 24h a day. The actual manufactory and process for certain components of these phones include the plasma aspect. When the physical chip is being made, the plasma chip is being made at the same time, in the same factory. This was gradually being introduced in 2013 .." ... |

Vault 7: Projects:

(OutlawCountry): ‘CIA hacking tool’ targets Linux operating system

(ELSA) CIA can hack & track Windows devices via their wifi connections

(Brutal Kangaroo) CIA’s secret cyberweapon can infiltrate world’s most secure networks

(CherryBlossom) Advanced CIA firmware has been infecting Wi-Fi routers for years

(Pandemic) CIA’s ‘Pandemic’ turns file servers into ‘Patient Zero’

(Athena) WikiLeaks Reveals 'Athena' CIA Spying Program Targeting All Versions of Windows