Apr 14, 2017

Council Of Love Newsletter | Apr 14, 2017 | Archangel Michael channeling through Linda Dillon | Stay The Course ~ Claiming Your Divine Authority |

Again last night on InLight's Hour With An Angel, Archangel Michael's guidance was to Stay the Course. In various ways this has been reiterated by Archangel Gabrielle in discussing broader understandings about the nature of cooperation, and, St. Germaine's encouraging us to love our bodies.

In our last HWAA show Archangel Michael guided us:
"Do not allow this old pattern of impatience, worry, fear or concern to cloud your path, judgment, or discernment. It is the consistency of your beingness that is necessary - not just desirable - but absolutely necessary at this juncture, at this point of the unfoldment.
Where you are right now is bringing the holding of hope, trust, vision, activation and will. You are at that the place of bringing these qualities forward into physical manifestation and actions of creation and co-creation. When you are building something and you want to see results, outcomes in a physical reality which you occupy, then what you do is you stay the course."
Our divine qualities of fotitude, patience and endurance have been brought to the forefront - but at the same time we are 'in readiness' for the birthing of the new adventure. As you look back at how far you and we have come, there is always more. More expansion, greater understanding, more love.

Our beloved archangel of peace tells us we are in the delivery room, birthing the baby - and the baby is us! It is not time to veer off path but to be diligent in holding the enrgy of Nova Earth and Nova Being. I'm sure you join with me in saying Bring It On!