Apr 14, 2017

Office of Inspector General | U.S. Department of Health and Human | OIG Fugitive: Poul Thorsen | Apr 14, 2017 | Blogger: Næsten sikkert, at mange danskere ikke kender denne historie. Det er ihvertfald ikke noget TV2 nyheder eller DR tager op, ej heller, Sundhedsstyrelsen.. Robert F. Kennedy Jr., søn af den afdøde - Robert Francis ”Bobby” Kennedy, er ikke hvem som helst. Præsident Trump har valgt JFK Jr, som formand for Trumps vaccinekommision. Han nævner i den seneste video af Ty Bollingers 'The Truth About Vaccines' dokumentaren, at en fremtrædende CDC dataopsamler og forsker, Poul Thorsen, der stod for førende studier fra Danmark (Århus universitet), der skulle bl.a. modbeviste at der fandtes nogen former for sammenhæng mellem autisme og vacciner, er blevet tiltalt i Atlanta ved en føderal storjury siden 2011, flygtet over stok og sten, anklaget for svig, hvidvaskning/økonomisk bedrageri af penge og svindel med tilskud fra forskningsinstitutioner. Her kommer det sjove, selvom Poul Thorsen er sigtet og står på FBI's og Interpol's liste over 'most wanted', viderefører CDC samme principper på deres hjemmeside og angiveligt fritager thimerosal fra autisme epidemien.. Det er ikke nogen ny historie, men viser bare hvor sygt et system vi har med at gøre med... |

OIG Fugitive: Poul Thorsen

Poul Thorsen
  • From approximately February 2004 until February 2010, Poul Thorsen executed a scheme to steal grant money awarded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). CDC had awarded grant money to Denmark for research involving infant disabilities, autism, genetic disorders, and fetal alcohol syndrome. CDC awarded the grant to fund studies of the relationship between autism and the exposure to vaccines, the relationship between cerebral palsy and infection during pregnancy, and the relationship between developmental outcomes and fetal alcohol exposure.
  • Thorsen worked as a visiting scientist at CDC, Division of Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities, before the grant was awarded.
  • The initial grant was awarded to the Danish Medical Research Council. In approximately 2007, a second grant was awarded to the Danish Agency for Science, Technology, and Innovation. Both agencies are governmental agencies in Denmark. The research was done by the Aarhaus University and Odense University Hospital in Denmark.
  • Thorsen allegedly diverted over $1 million of the CDC grant money to his own personal bank account. Thorsen submitted fraudulent invoices on CDC letterhead to medical facilities assisting in the research for reimbursement of work allegedly covered by the grants. The invoices were addressed to Aarhaus University and Sahlgrenska University Hospital. The fact that the invoices were on CDC letterhead made it appear that CDC was requesting the money from Aarhaus University and Sahlgrenska University Hospital although the bank account listed on the invoices belonged to Thorsen.
  • In April 2011, Thorsen was indicted on 22 counts of Wire Fraud and Money Laundering.
  • According to bank account records, Thorsen purchased a home in Atlanta, a Harley Davidson motorcycle, an Audi automobile, and a Honda SUV with funds that he received from the CDC grants.
  • Thorsen is currently in Denmark and is awaiting extradition to the United States.
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