Mar 3, 2017

Wolf Spirit & Alex Collier | Andromedan Contactee *LIVE* Webinar | No. 28 | Friday March 3, 2017! | Note: Technical difficulties with this weeks webinar Webinarjam failed | (Excerpts fra Alex LIVE Webinar: The bad guys are NOT done, only when there found in the box og left the planet.. Cabal are using cashless society to get control over humanity, even if some european countries are pushing back.. A.I. groups, Reptilians, Elohim, Nefilim, Anunnaki sees humans on earth, as an asset.. Nine months ago, our 'controllers' deployed alien DNA into medicine and vaccines for a long term damage to humans - a prison to humanity (transhumanism futuristic alterations of cells and DNA).. So, human scientists has developed and deploying 'products' for trapping humanity into programmable zombies to own you (soul trap).. However, some humans and resistance groups are aware of these dark agendas and start pushing back.. Next month's huge energetic emotions will raise among humanity (3D angy, reckless, density). If your not evolving, you will be removed from the planet, same goes for the bad guys (controllers).. First contacts to earth will not be friendly, as mentioned before.. Alex has been asked to pass along a question-- Why did hollow earth community never helped humanity on earth surface now and for thousand of years ago?.. The light and dark is literary at war and more and more starships comes into our solar system.. Last week Alex talked about 'holding the light', Alex is explaning it in more details, to avoid misinterpretations.. Be prepared and hold the light.. When the EVENT comes, we're get a new reality of the speed of light.. Hold the light, bless both your enemies and friends -- More light you create, more light comes back, that's how the universe works.. Mother earth beginning to adjust into 4D and 5D but also need our blessings.. Taking care of yourselves and family is first priority.. When humanity finally graduate, truth about alien genetic code in human DNA and leaving 3d into 4D etc., the rest of the benevolent aliens in the rest of the universe/multiverse will evolve also to what extent humanity has going through on earth. The ramifications will be stunning -- Q&A -- many other exciting stuff from Alex -- [LISTEN TO MORE] )

bibliotecapleyades: Alex Collier claims to be a 'contactee' with a race of Nordic looking humans from the constellation of Andromeda. He has had a number of contact experiences since his childhood and this developed over the years as he was given more and more information by his Andromedan contacts. I have analyzed Alex Collier's information, had phone interviews with him, and also interverviewed him over a four day period in September 2005. I have witnessed some physical evidence he has provided to support his testimony. I have also spoken with a direct witness verifying various aspects of Alex's contact experiences. Alex has also revealed that he was the recipient of threats from shadow government agencies and abruptly chose to stop disseminating his information in 2000. Furthermore, Alex has give face to face interviews with veteran UFO researcher Paola Harris who has had the opportunity to examine the evidence supporting his testimony and concludes he is credible. My conclusion from my investigation so far of Alex is that he is very credible and very likely a genuine contactee with a 'friendly' extraterrestrial race. I therefore recommend taking the information he has to reveal very seriously. All those interested in galactic diplomacy and understanding a variety of extraterrestrial races interacting with humanity, will find Alex's work to be very helpful.

Jay PeeAlex CollierJames Harkin
Alex Collier Andromedan Contactee *LIVE* Webinar - March 3, 2017! 11:00 am Pacific/20.00 CET Time
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Alex Collier's TWENTY-EIGHT Webinar *LIVE* - March 3, 2017!

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