Mar 3, 2017

BREAKING | World Wide #Pedogate Update | NO: The Norwegian police are sounding the alarm after customs recent months seized 21 sex dolls that resemble children - in Denmark, they are still legal | Right now, the police, in a major European action video, sends out warnings to Internet sites where shared child pornography exists called "" | Unique Police2Peer initiative combats child sexual exploitation and abuse online | Forensic experts say they have found a mass grave with small children by a former Catholic orphanage in Ireland - 800 death certificates of children who died at the orphanage, while it was in use from 1925 to 1961 | Pedogate Is Worldwide, Sessions Priming To Indict, Trump Is On Board, Israel, Vatican, Britain, Asia Involved | ES: Child Trafficking by the Catholic Church in Spain — 300,000 Babies Stolen from Their Parents and Sold for Adoption (BBC Documentary) | DK: Former scout leader convicted of possession of child pornography

It's dolls like this that have been seized in Norway Photo: Customs Service, Norway

Do you have a sexual interest in children?

This page is a collection of links to available online and offline help for those that have a sexual interest in children. The list is compiled and updated by the police in various countries, but this is not a law enforcement site. The links provided here are for help and prevention purposes only, providing those that want help with their situation – somewhere to start in their own country and language. These links are provided “as is” and the quality of the services may vary. Some countries lack low-level help and information sites for persons that have a sexual interest in children or such resources have not yet been identified in your country. The list will be updated as we are made aware of such resources. The links are collected as a part of the joint police initiative Police2Peer – aiming to limit the distribution of child sexual abuse material in peer-to-peer (P2P) networks. No information from this page will ever become part of any criminal investigation.