Mar 3, 2017

Before It's News | VIDEO | Native Creature of Antarctica Kills Scientists | Russian Scientists in Antarctica battle Organism 46b, Antarctic Creature, Lake Vostok Octopus | Thursday, March 2, 2017 | Blogger: As our friendly pleiadians has told us many times, hidden continent under the ice cap of Antarctica really exist, as of many other places around the world including Scandinavia, where ancient underground cities, remain unsolved to this day.. |

Published on Mar 2, 2017
Organism 46b hunts by first paralyzing its prey with venom. The strange creature seizes and dismembers prey using a powerful beak, breaking the food source into pieces.

The ancients believed in monsters of the deep, serpents hiding under the waves, threatening to capsize the heavy crawling ships of men. Today there is no ocean or lake that has not been probed, and found wanting for sea monsters. Except for the freshwater lakes buried beneath the ice of Antarctica.

There is a hidden continent under the ice cap of Antarctica. Ground penetrating radar established the existence of hundreds of lakes on this continent. Because of pressure exerted by the ice, these lakes are not frozen. They are liquid, containing fresh water that has been isolated for at least 15 million years....(..)... [read more]