Mar 11, 2017

Messages from Ann & the Angels | Ann Albers | Gladly I will jump... | Newsletter excerpts only... |

I started channeling weekly messages from the angels after 9/11/2001, in an attempt to reach as many people as possible with the angels' words of hope and inspiration. I didn't realize at the time that we would become an international community of lightworkers dedicated to expanding our capacity to receive and share God's love in the world.

Each week's newsletter contains an angel message, a message from me explaining how I put the angels' teachings to work in my life, and various other announcements about classes, events, and new products. I would love to help you experience the love, wisdom, and guidance that are available to us all.

Kanaliseret af Ann Albers
© 2017 angelmessages

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

While there is nothing wrong with being a “creature of habit,” it is your habits that either enliven you or slowly cause your energy to withdraw from life. Life is meant to be lived openly, as an adventure and an exploration of self.

Life is a never ending series of present moments in which you get to choose your experience, based on your God given guidance and soul-level desires.

Your desires inspired you to grow. Your guidance tries to help you grow gracefully and kindly.

For example, say you desire a relationship. That is wonderful. The desire itself begins to draw life  force through you. Suddenly your mind starts to take over. “It must be this kind of person and not that. He/she must look like this and not that,” or sometimes worse, “Forget it. Relationships hurt. Better to avoid them!"

Then you meet someone. Your instincts tell you that you want to get to know them better, but the mind starts chattering, “They don’t look like what we expected. What if they’re not ’the one’? You know relationships hurt, just give up!" You talk yourself out of your natural instinct to get to know them better. In doing so you rob yourself of the gifts life has to offer.

There could be a whole variety of reasons you are guided to get to know this person. Perhaps they could help you with career. Maybe they would become a friend who would help you feel safe in the world. Possibly they would be exactly the type of person you've been with in the past and this would give you a chance to trust yourself, and leave, when you see the warning signs a few weeks into the relationship. Maybe they're a potential love. The possibilities are endless.

Perhaps you have a desire to try something new - a class, a food, a career, or a hobby. Your heart feels excited. Your mind starts to offer all sorts of reasons why you should ignore the heart, “You’re too old. You don’t have enough time. You read an article on the Internet that says this isn't good for you. What makes you think you could that?” Your mind make excuses and you give up before you even give your heart a chance.

Maybe you would not have liked the new food, but you would have learned something useful from someone in the grocery store or restaurant. Maybe you wouldn’t have maintained the hobby, but you’d meet a dear friend along the way. Maybe you're guided into a new career and then fired, only to discover this is a stepping stone to your dream job.

If you don’t listen to the heart, you may never discover its reasons. If you don’t remain open to life and your instincts in each moment, you might miss the fullest life you could be living.

Dear ones, we honor your need to grow on earth but we always attempt to guide you to grow in the most kind and loving way possible. We attempt to guide you to grow in ways you wish to grow when possible. We attempt to help you grow in love.

Use your minds, by all means, to review the past, but always pay attention as well to how you feel right here, right now. While the mind may argue against the heart, the heart always knows the kindest and most loving path... in each moment.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
-- The Angels