Feb 17, 2017

Court Finds Speed Cameras ‘Unconstitutional’ — Forces City to Repay ALL Tickets (Blogger: Noget vi kunne bruge i Danmark. Er det virkelig nødvendigt med omfattende tv-overvågning, nummerplade scanning og politiets automatiske fartkontrol? Har politiet bevist den præventive effekt på kriminalitet, på mindre traffikdræbte og forbrydere, med alt den kontrol? Eller er det bare en anden form for pengemaskine til statskassen og Orwells '1984' autoritære kontrol af befolkningen, for at gøre os parate til digitaliseringens mega?.. 14.000 blev blitzet på Storebæltsbroen sidste år og alle kan nok huske blitzkrigen med politiet ved vejarbejdet, Lyngby Omfartsvej og Helsingørmotorvejen i 2015..)

February 13, 2017

New Miami, OH — Take away the political corruption, bribery scandals, increased accidents, and police state issues with Red Light Cameras and we are still left with a system that is rooted in the removal of due process. After the corporatist red light camera industry spread through the nation like a cancer for more than a decade, people are finally beginning to realize their inherently despotic nature.

After they woke up to the fact that their due process had been entirely removed by Optotraffic — a private vendor allowed to extort citizens with the blessing of New Miami politicians — the people fought back in the form of a class action lawsuit.

As the Newspaper reports, a group of three lawyers had filed suit in 2013, arguing that New Miami’s automated ticketing ordinance gave vehicle owners no realistic opportunity to defend themselves against the demand for a payment of up to $180 that arrived in the mail. Optotraffic, a private vendor, sent the tickets to motorists passing through the less-than-one-square-mile town on US 127, a major highway that links Cincinnati with points north.

During that period of Optotraffic extortion, the city robbed drivers of $3,066,523.00. Now, after Butler County Court of Common Pleas Judge Michael A. Oster Jr.’s ruling, the city must pay back all of it.

“If the government has created an unconstitutional law/ordinance that has taken people’s money without affording them the necessary due process protections, should not justice demand, and the law require, restitution of that money to the people?” Oster asked at the opening of his ruling. “Once the complexities of the law are analyzed, the answer is simple: Yes.”

Continue reading at ... http://thefreethoughtproject.com/speed-cameras-unconstitutional-tickets/#uG54TgQwub3D36JG.99